bachmann believes HPV vaccine can cause spontaneous retardation

hah mercola. those people are idiots. totally off the nutjob deep end.

better be careful man. you might be gluten intolerant. or have candida overgrowth. but no worry, just chug the holy phallus, er, give yerself a nice borage oil cleansing or perhaps invest in some colon blow. you must retain your purity for the mothership's departure.


you should watch billy the exterminator. some good life lessons in there fer ya...
I have no clue, since I don't have daughters & I've never read jack shit about this medication/vaccine.

My question is, can you say, without a single reservation, that it does not cause, or contribute, to retardation and on what grounds do you say that?
I don't think it would like do it over night.

The main problem I have with what Bachmann said is she made it out to sound
like a mandate went through, then the girl had it, and turned retarded.

First there was an opt-out, and second, the whole thing was overturned anyway.

Bachmann didn't succeed in pulling her numbers up, just pulling Perry's down.

No good came from those exchanges for any of the candidates.

Still, that vaccine has been more tested than the swine flu shot Obama was trying to mandate.
you're right, cato, "retard" is not something that happens over night. most are born like that, and a small few "get it" over time from something like lead exposure.

but this is a great scientific discovery. never before have we seen a broken virus (vaccine) re-animate itself and spontaneously degrade a person into an insta-tard. imagine the crazy amounts of cytosine, adenine, guanine, and thymine that would be, um, hooking up. it's like date night. fucking base pair ice cream social. hope nobody gets pregnant. wouldn't want a tard baby. we'll start 'em in their pre-teens.

as to this HPV nonsense being bad for the candidates... i don't care. it's good for us. we see how small and shitty they really are.

as to the "not as bad as obama's" type comment... what can you tell me about the vaccine's hasty approval and potential dangers? can you fill me in or are you just letting off a little steam?
I can tell you that none of it was manufactured in the U.S., and that 3 versions
were pulled after they had already use some of it.
(I think they finally got it worked out before those teachers had to use it or lose their job)

I'll see if I can locate one of the articles.
wow. that second one gotholic would post himself.

maybe you should join jenny mccarthy in preventing ALL vaccinations, cause, you know, they makes kids autistic!!!!

well, don't trust the "experts."

especially clergy.
man you are just toooo predictable.

I completely expected that kind of response, no matter what the links were.

and no, it's not so much about vaccines, as mandates, but you'll make it what you will,
so cut away....
yes, i lack critical capacity, and understand so little about epidemiology that... wait...

my response was predictable in the sense that once again, i'm really not buying the nutcases thinking every little thing is THE VENOM OF DEATH.

or perhaps i have the ability to evaluate on a case-by-case basis, considering the merits, of which suzie creamcheese in your second link has little.

see, some things are bad for you. like transfats. terrible. the food industry has admitted the "mistake" of putting fats your body has no idea how to handle into their krap. now we get folks like gonz who thinks it's just another thing about "fat" which the weenie-eat-sprouts crowd just won't fucking shut up about. while i sympathize with that reaction, it's not the case. it's an exception, an entirely different animal. (not to mention experts were recommending the shit in the (older) form of margarine to use instead of real butter, as they think that saturated animal fat is the seed of satan. no, it's delicious.)

cato, you're just going the "well, you never know" route again. so predictable. :(

no, the point is neither about vaccines nor mandates, but how ignorant someone can be. and how funny such ignorance can be. i let out a deep, guttural laugh when i first heard the bachmann quote. but i suppose it's okey dokey. her followers aren't typically smart enough to understand that she's ignorant. in fact the more i think about it the more hilarious it is - she was duped by the story, and her followers will be duped by it, too, but it doesn't matter. it's all about the big bad government forcing things on the children, right? INFRACTION!!!! she places perry as the big bad, and she's golden...

BTW, i don't agree with the HPV vaccine without positive parental consent (rather than 'by default') but at the same time, y'all ig'nants would have us living with the public health standards of the middle ages...

yeah, throw out the experts. maybe next you can get your housekeeper to perform your next surgery. in fact, let's have surgery be the exclusive duty of housekeepers. think of what that could bring!!!

no worry, fucking jesus will heal us anyway!!!!
OK, I misunderstood Bachmanns remark. I thought she was saying someone who took the vaccine gave birth to a retarded child. Causing a presumed healthy child to suddenly suffer from mental retardation sounds like a stretch. Bachmann may have been told this but the issue sounds moot & it makes her look dumb.
I don't think it would like do it over night.

The main problem I have with what Bachmann said is she made it out to sound
like a mandate went through, then the girl had it, and turned retarded.

First there was an opt-out, and second, the whole thing was overturned anyway.

Bachmann didn't succeed in pulling her numbers up, just pulling Perry's down.

No good came from those exchanges for any of the candidates.

Still, that vaccine has been more tested than the swine flu shot Obama was trying to mandate.

It shouldn't be an opt-out though, it should have been an opt-in. Besides, the outcome would probably be the same with parents being told their child needs to be vaccinated in order to go to school. There is no law forcing any child to be inoculated with a vaccine in order to go to school. Not one. Most parents are not aware of this fact because their right is not being made aware to them. All parents can opt-out.
to gotholic -> dude, you're in a bubble.

3500 people reported a wide variety of issues. 40 million have had the injections. many "reactions" are no such thing, but all potentials are recorded. one in 11,428 will have a potential reaction. shit, one in every 53,475 DIE each day in the US.

hmmm... now compare that to other vaccines.
I do agree with the should have been an OPT-IN instead of an OPT-OUT. Perry overstepped his authority, for whatever reason.

Yea, there are local regulations (laws, dunno) about certain vaccines. The difference between a smallpox vaccine requirement &
a STD/cancer vaccine is humongous. The airborne quality alone makes it reasonable.
Retardation can happen overnight when there is an adverse reaction to a medication which kills brain cells in certain parts of the brain. I guess being crippled from an adverse reaction never happens either.

Try real life some time. It can be refreshing.
yeah jim, retardation can happen overnight. only then it's not retardation, fishbulb.

right. real life. i know it's tough being you. just stick it out jim. stick it out. :buck: