Back among the living


Southern Discomfort

Friday my chronic pain crap started back. It'd been worse, so I took the normal precautions.

Saturday I was immobile. All day. Ate nada. Called the oncall service my doc has. Oncall doc told me to "tough it out" til Monday and go see doc then.

Sunday it became too much. Go to ER. Labs all out of whack, and yes friends and fiends, it's pancreatitis. Again.

Just got discharged from the hospital. I'm weak, and sore, but the pain has subsided. Not eating since Friday shortened the stay, but not the pain.

I'm on minimal food, and that as bland as I can get, for a couple more days. Go get pain meds refilled tomorrow too. So the first one of you who starts talking about nachos and stuff gets my foot up yer ass. :D

Any suggestions on how to make oatmeal...appealing?
Brown sugar

Any gallstones to make the experience that much more fun?

*Sorry t' hear about your fucked up weekend. Hope that you feel better quickly!
Sorry to hear about the shit that's going on with you again. As everyone else suggested, fruits, brown sugar, etc are all good additions to oatmeal. You can even add your favorite jam as well.