back pain


Well-Known Member
must have been tossing and turing in my sleep last night. awoke with a nagging back pain. still sore even after lying around all day doing essentially nothing.

any of you have recurring back pain?
whats your favorite home remedy?
One day my back hurt so bad I couldn't even stand up straight and couldn't start work right on time. I first tried to relax it away with some pain meds but it did almost nothing and even a Salonpas pad didn't do much. I gave in and bought one of those Thermacare patches rather than taking the day off, and it helped me at least get through the day, and thankfully it hasn't been anywhere near that bad since. I still have the other wrap from the 2 pack laying around just in case, don't wanna spend $7 again if I don't have to. I doubt it would work that well if it was a chronic pain though.
whats your favorite home remedy?[/QUOTE]

sex---- works all the kinks right out!!! :D

although Tonks idea sounds good-I don't smoke though..
A hot shower, hang upside down for half an hour, then another hot shower. Then, lie flat on your back on the floor, lift both legs straight up, and then slowly let them down, rotating your hips so that you feel a pull in the small of your back. (warmth is essential during all this. Any cold and you'll pull a muscle). Stay like that as long as you can, even though it'll feel wierd (a bit like hitting your funny bone, it's somewhere between ticklish and painful).
Welcome to your 30's. I wake up almost every morning with a backache. Most days I don't have to do anything but get up and get moving to make it go away. Other days it's ibuprofen. Every once in a while it used to be Vioxx. Now I can't take Vioxx anymore, well except for the 30 pills I have at home. When that runs out I guess I'll be seeing the doc again.
PT, have you considered a new matress? Or perhaps sleeping alone for a week? Sounds wierd, but that's solved alot of problems for me.
Mare said:
whats your favorite home remedy?

sex---- works all the kinks right out!!! :D

although Tonks idea sounds good-I don't smoke though..

I thought sex actually caused kinks... :lol2:
No, but being kinky can cause sex, which can give you a backache, it the trapeeze isn't adjusted right.
Professur said:
PT, have you considered a new matress? Or perhaps sleeping alone for a week? Sounds wierd, but that's solved alot of problems for me.
A new mattress is needed, but we're saving on that for now. Sleeping alone does help, when the wife was at training a few weeks ago I noticed I slept better and felt better waking up. Haven't brought that up to her yet though.
Professur said:
Carefully, friend. The missus still hasn't forgiven me yet, and that was years ago.
Yep, see I don't think bringing that up would be an easy task. Maybe if she starts having back pain I'll suggest it. Til then I can live with what I've got.
Does she drape herself over you at night? Mine did. I bought her on of those body pillows. It swiftly wound up on V2.0's bed.
Professur said:
No, but being kinky can cause sex, which can give you a backache, it the trapeeze isn't adjusted right.

Naturally, for a problem that requires an accurate medical diagnosis, you'll want to turn to a radio shock jock for advice. Howard Stern swears that Dr. John Sarno and this book helped to permanently relieve him of years of chronic back pain. His theory is that most back pain is psychosomatic. When you get to the root cause of your pain, it supposedly goes away. I don't have chronic back pain and I've never read this book, but my brother does (and did) and seemed to find it helpful.
abooja said:

Naturally, for a problem that requires an accurate medical diagnosis, you'll want to turn to a radio shock jock for advice. Howard Stern swears that Dr. John Sarno and this book helped to permanently relieve him of years of chronic back pain. His theory is that most back pain is psychosomatic. When you get to the root cause of your pain, it supposedly goes away. I don't have chronic back pain and I've never read this book, but my brother does (and did) and seemed to find it helpful.

So pain in the back, and pain in the ass are similar? :grinyes:
I'm currently dealing with recurrent debilitating back pain caused by another medical condition. In a typical day, I use one prescription pain patch (the highest strength allowed), possibly a Morphine suppository (aka ass bullet), and eat Ultracets and Lortabs like M&Ms.

For relief that doesn't come from a scrip bottle, take a small dish cloth or hand towel, wet it and squeeze it out good, and slip it inside the outer cover on a heating pad. Turn the heating pad on, and lie down with the damp cloth side up. Moist heat will penetrate the area and provide some decent temporary relief. Icy Hot also helps sometimes, if it's muscular pain.

Best of luck with it. Back pain freakin' blows.
Professur said:
Does she drape herself over you at night? Mine did. I bought her on of those body pillows. It swiftly wound up on V2.0's bed.
Nah, if anything I find myself draped over her in the morning. Perhaps I should get myself one of those body pillows....
Gato_Solo said:
So pain in the back, and pain in the ass are similar? :grinyes:
Apparently, yes. In some cases, getting rid of your pain in the ass first will make all your problems, including back pain, just disappear. :p
PT, it ain't just your 30's. I get back pain on waking that I can walk off in 3 minutes about 6 times a year, and I'm 35. Make that new mattress a priority.