Back to School


New Member
I have another appointment at the Bel Rae Institute for VeterinaryTech Training. Today I will be filling out my FASFA stuff and handing over a very hard worked for $100 enrollment fee. The fee is s deposit that goes into my tuition so it's not too bad. I have made my final decision and I am going to spend 18 months working my ass off and begin working with animals. I wanted to be a vet tech in a vet's office, but the more I look at my options, I am thinking about working with horses.

Anyway, this is a big step for me since the accident took me out of school about two years ago. The only obsitical left is the doctor's physical I have to take.
Glad to hear your going to go for something you want :headbang:My wife used to work as a Vets assistant and she said the worst part was having to put animals down :crying4: working with horses would probably be a great way to go to avoid that.

I am thinking about working with horses.
If they(admins here) let you mod the RW forum ,you'd get experience working with horses asses (well the "Far Right" side anyway) :lloyd:
Yep, August 16th I start CIS380, Computer Graphics and CIS455, Programming Languages and Concepts.

Both should be pretty fun though, I get to learn all about Fortran, or FORTRAN, if you prefer.
Sept 9 I start my third year of Civil Engineering :D

I get to learn all about concrete and steel :D
concrete = hard.
steel = harder.

There, that'll be 15,000 please...
PuterTutor said:
concrete = hard.
steel = harder.

There, that'll be 15,000 please...

WHOA DUDE! That is over 2 years tuition!! Infact...I could almost pay 2 years tuition AND books for that!!!
Good luck Lissa, PT and Nixy :headbang:

Next semester I start the masters 3rd semester, I'll have only one class solely devoted to direct my thesis, my assesor wants my thesis finished or almost finished in the forthcoming 6 months. :eek13:
Man, I thought this was gonna be a thread about ditchin' the brats off on the lame ass school system.

Bummer. :D
Yeah, back to school for me as well - I'm doing papers only masters (PGDip), and a disseration. Luis, what's your masters in?
One of these days, I might forget what a bitch balancing work and school is and go back for my doctorate....nah.

Best of luck to all of you doing it, though. May you pull no early classes and all decent profs.