Background for OT Central?


New Member
Would we be able to put a background on this site, instead of having just plain white color? Here are a few suggestions, but I will make a customized one for OTC. ;)





if any, the middle one, as it is very simple and won't be a bugger for contrast with typing. i think plain colours are best as it's easier to read and load.
you mean you got plastered? :D

it is cool though, i had a similar texture for a project i did 2 years ago, it went down very well.
I hate it when someone gets the idea that they need to make the site look the way they want it. I don't want any changes to the design. Adding a new logo is one thing, but changing the way the whole site looks is another.
thank you, greenfreak, and thank you, GOD ALMIGHTY, for taking a moment to remember we the poor slowpokes. :)
I had the 56k users in mind, and I asked fury to make different "styles" of the site, one with a background, and one without so people could choose what they want, but he thinks it's too much work to maintain two templates so I guess we don't get a background. :(
To edit a template set, you have to keep a copy of the template files on your hard drive, then you have to back each one up before modifying it in case the modification doesn't go too well, and then you have to upload the file via FTP which, as you may or may not know, on dialup, takes almost a minute. If you have to make the template change to both sets, you have to upload the file twice. And if you lose the template backup, you're S.O.L. and will just have to hope you can change the template back to the original state. I can do one template set just fine, or if the majority of the people decide it, two template sets, but it is a whole crapload of work to maintain two different styles, let alone the 6 styles I'm currently maintaining to complement the logo vote, so that people can see how each logo will look. There's no style import function in this board, so I had to create the current color scheme 5 times over again for this to be possible. One page takes about 10 minutes to do, and then each time I need to upload a template, I have to do it 6 times, which takes 6 minutes at the least. If you can learn how to use this template system and then tell me it's not a lot of work to maintain one style, twice as much to maintain two, and so on, then I will gladly humble myself. Until then, stop twisting my words around to make it look like I don't want to do it. I would rather not, obviously, because it is 2x as much work as normal, but I will if the people so decide it needs to be done. But it looks, so far, like there aren't a lot of supporters.
I didn't mean to make you sound lazy or anything. I know it would be more work to have two permanent different styles. The problem is guy, you need to spread out the work for this site, you don't have to do everything... Hire a couple more admins or something to do odd jobs like maintain site appearance. ;) :D
Fury doesn't need more admins. What he needs instead is for people to just be satisified that the site looks ok as it is. :D
*glares at Greenfreak*

MY fury! ;)

:sex2: <---I will make you feel batter like THAT fury!
Originally posted by Soler
Nah, a background would look crappy

I agree that a background would look pretty crap, although I'd love to see myself proved wrong. I know it has been done to good effect on some boards. I'd also suggest there is no option to change the appearance of the board at all once we have decided on a logo + colour scheme. It'll take on an "identity" then. :)
