

Staff member
Ah, the little milestones that make mommies cry.

This morning I told them that if they can behave for the morning, I'd take them for MickeyDee's at lunch. (It's a school day off). Me taking them to MickeyDee's voluntarily almost NEVER happens. Maybe twice in forever.

The older two piped up after the initial singing and dancing, and asked if they could have adult meals. I told them that there are no toys if they choose that.

The middle one says with a big grin...Yeah, but we get BACON!!!

I was laughing till I realized...they're growin up. *sigh*
You have to watch what you say about bacon in front of V2.0. He's been known to eat about a quarter of a pound of it, and he's 3.
Our housebrat, turning 12 in a week and going on 15 (attitude) or maybe 9 (behavior sometimes...) would boil us in oil for bacon. That child can Hoover her UP some bacon. I think she'd eat bacon on Pop Tarts if she thought she could get away with it...
My sort of sister in law's daughter when she was 3 ate a pound raw out of the fridge *puke*

They woke up to find her just finishing it off.
Leslie said:
My sort of sister in law's daughter when she was 3 ate a pound raw out of the fridge *puke*

They woke up to find her just finishing it off.

It's precooked :lloyd:
We'd like to spare the kid the cholesterol nightmare I am going through.

Plus...have you bought bacon lately? Need a second mortgage to afford the stuff anymore.
We've recently found a non-national brand that just kicks ass. Can't get enough of it.

I laugh in the face of cholesterol.
Nixy said:
It's precooked :lloyd:

I think we're all talking about different bacon here...

we're not talking strips of ham... but bacon... thats raw fatty strips of pig you cook in a frying pan for breakfast and for some reason MaccyD's and BurgerKing add it to the top of their burgers

Some scarily uniform *shudder* bacon... raw and cooked...


Raw bacon as I know it!


And if those images are red crosses for you... they are for me too... I can't do the image thing! At all... :mope:
During some periods of time, bacon is the only thing that keeps me from being completely veggie.

Simply irresistable!!
You are missing the one word that creates the greatest fear & loathing... DEATH. The options are all coming up roses without that one.
Yeah, that's always an option too.

I've been under anesthesia often enough to not be too worried about that. Dying on the cutting table, while possible, doesn't concern me either.

I'll be out for as long as 8-10 hours for this surgery, by far the most difficult one I've had. That scares me a little. There is a possibility that the tests they ran Monday will reveal that a less complicated procedure may take care of the problem, thus reducing my out-time, hospital time, and recuperation time. I'm for it, believe me. 8-10 days in hospital, and up to 8 more weeks at home recovering are not appealing notions. They are, however, more appealing than either death or putting up with this problem and its associated pain any longer. Thus, I'm having the surgery.

Still laughing at cholesterol?
They have bacon in the adult meals now? I didn't know that. Maybe I can drag Erik there for some french fries if something has bacon on it for him.

I wish Alex would eat the adult meals. I am so sick of all those tiny and usually broken toys all over the house.
You can "Make it Bacon" for however much more money.

I find I can generally chuck the toys out after a couple weeks unless they're really superspecial
Eiw I typically hate bacon. The only bacon I ever had that I liked was freshly slaughtered the week before. I was on a farm of a family friend and the whole breakfast was all farm food. Omg I've never had better since.