Bad day


molṑn labé
Staff member
Pulling a crate out of my truck, by the plastic broke, leaving me on my ass so fast I hadn't even known I'd fallen. Of course, nature makes you drop your hands to catch right wrist, on the thumb joint swelled like a golf ball. I drove back to town (using my coolers ice thingy to slow the pain/swelling). Off to quack in a box...who close at 5pm. Remember, only get hurt between 7:30 & 5:00. So, off to the ER. 8 x-rays later, the y put a splint on saying it's probably not broken but the swelling needs to subside to be x-rayed again, to be sure.


That sucks,hope you drive an Automatic?

walk-in clinic around here,the Doctors will only see "X" number of patients ,before they shutdown for the day,so you've gotta plan your illness accordingly and hope there hasn't been any epidemics :rolleyes:
...we would've treated you first, then billed ya. :)

Sorry t'hear about your accident, Gonz. At least the crate didn't hit you on the way down. Hope that you feel better soonest.
Pulling a crate out of my truck, by the plastic broke, leaving me on my ass so fast I hadn't even known I'd fallen. Of course, nature makes you drop your hands to catch right wrist, on the thumb joint swelled like a golf ball. I drove back to town (using my coolers ice thingy to slow the pain/swelling). Off to quack in a box...who close at 5pm. Remember, only get hurt between 7:30 & 5:00. So, off to the ER. 8 x-rays later, the y put a splint on saying it's probably not broken but the swelling needs to subside to be x-rayed again, to be sure.


When they say that, it's always broken. Go back so's you don't heal crooked.
24 hours in a splint & it feels better. Still sore but this afternoon, there was a great improvement. A little ice & another day of the splint, just to be sure.