I'm getting paid by the hour. I pulled out a book on fly fishing and kicked back. Cleared 13.5h today.
Professur said:
I'm getting paid by the hour. I pulled out a book on fly fishing and kicked back. Cleared 13.5h today.

Nice, I'm not paid mby the hour, but when they send me to an outside office, I sure don't mind waiting in lobbies
Over the 8+ years I've been with this company, I've had just about every pay schedule. On call, salaried, 40+overtime, 35+overtime. Now I'm at 24+, but in a year, I've only been under 40 twice. And the second week of that pay period, I usually cleared 50. This week, as of monday, I had 26 hours scheduled. Well, it's only wednesday, and I'm already past that. So much for their 6 million dollar control center.
Depends. They've changed the name so often. My truck says MIR solutions technologiques on it. But my badge says SystM. And my paycheque says *tada* Entourage.
Actually, there are three or four guys that they'd kill to get from us. But we've all been at Mir long enough that H-tec can't match salery. They could with me, coz I'm a different pay scale, but I hate ville st-laurent.
Professur said:
Actually, there are three or four guys that they'd kill to get from us. But we've all been at Mir long enough that H-tec can't match salery. They could with me, coz I'm a different pay scale, but I hate ville st-laurent.

HEY i was raised in VSL

yup it sucks teh wife was at H-tec for a year or 2

moved on to greener pastures
I've had a few feelers from Microserve recently. They're after a customer I've got in my back pocket.
Professur said:
I've had a few feelers from Microserve recently. They're after a customer I've got in my back pocket.

we deal with these guys out of edmonton, what a pain

PM me the particulars, we need local support
Pet peeves for me while on the road

People who change lanes without indicating
People who overtake in the middle of an intersection
BMW / Mercedes drivers who believe the roads belong to them
People who drive in the emergency lane during rush hour (that just pisses all over my delicate little battery because I always wonder 'what if there's an accident up ahead & the emergency vehicles can't get through because 'Mr I'm too good to sit in traffic with the rest of you plebs' is being a prick)
People who drive without safety belts on
People who drive with children standing on the back (or front) seat - I always feel like plastering "I'm an incompetent parent" stickers all over their cars. It peeves me because they take no care to ensure that their children are safe in the car, but if they happen to be in an accident & the kid goes flying through the windshield it will of course be the other driver's fault.
Fiddlers (those people who cannot seem to drive without constantly fiddling with the radio, or whatever's on the seat next to them or in their handbags etc).
People who play their music too loud at the intersection - if I wanted to hear your shit I'd be in the car with you bastard.
Taxis (Vortex will understand this)
Sunday drivers - speedlimit on the highway is 120 NOT 80.....why don't you just get out & walk?
paul_valaru said:
jesus saves
... yeah, he has an account at my bank... :lol:

I think you guys have covered about everything except for those damn idiots who never check their lights and only have one brakelight working or an indicator out... :mad:
I hate people you actually drive the slow ass speed limits. And around here, unless they are a state trooper, they legally can't do jack shit unless you go 10 miles an hour over the limit.
Only from a passenger's point of view. I've barely ever driven (maybe once?) so naturally I can't drive for shit. I still need to find my damned license...
bleach said:
All my driving problems start and end with BLEEDIN' TAXI DRIVERS!!

Where do these idjeets learn to drive? The Nippon Kamakazee Driving School?


This post is possibly influenced by the fact that this afternoon I was cut off by a taxi, while on a roundabout no less, took me ten minutes to catch up with him.........then the bastard took off again before I got his door open. Thank you.

I'm a taxi driver! But anyway, around this town, about half of us taxi drivers actually know how to drive. The other half just makes us look bad.

I hate people who speed up to pass me after I turn on my blinker to change lanes.

I also hate people who turn onto the road right in front of me because I had my blinker on to change lanes.

You see, most people around this city don't use their blinkers at all, and it torks me off! But because of this, they don't understand when real drivers do use blinkers.
re: bad drivers

1. people who drive like their speedos read in MPH and not KPH (i live where kph is the norm)
for example speed limit is 60kph, = 37mph, therefore they drive at 37kph not 65kph
i mean c'mon less than 40 in a 60 zone, get a set of lawn bowls please

2. nose pickers at traffics lights
i know we all do it, but guys seriously not at the lights

3. people who forget to turn their headlights on at night

4. people who sit in parking lots and wait for that person putting their huge lot of groceries away, without moving off to the side so you can pass

you all deserve a savage spanking
or i might just come after you in my :tank:i just bought it yesterday