Bad form ..

Scanty said:
Umpa Lumpas.


Definate bad form there!

Guys who are sopposed to be friends and turns out they're really an ass underneath it all.

Now is that bad form or just a personal issue. *winks at Na & Ku'u*
halamikage said:
Guys who are sopposed to be friends and turns out they're really an ass underneath it all.

Now is that bad form or just a personal issue. *winks at Na & Ku'u*

hehehe .. I'd say it's a bit of both, really ... :D but then again, I know exactly what you mean ;)

another bad form .. people who talk smack to turn another's position ... but you know, I take comfort in knowing that it all comes back around in the end ...
oohh .. I have another bad form ..

newbies who don't bother to get to know the regulars that make this the place that it is and spout obnoxious and ignorant opinions they mistake for knowledge :grumpy:

oohh .. one more .. those who think that "well-read" and "well-versed" are the same as "well-learned" ... bunchadopes
Squiggy said:
I'm sorry.... :( *stands in the corner and acts ashamed*

not you, Squiggy McSquiggmeister ;)

stop being so damned paranoid before I add that to my "bad form" list ;)
I was just kidding ,na. I know I NEVER do anything wrong... ;)

and I agree unc, hypocrisy is the only true sin....