bad if she does and bad if she doesn't......abort

Luis G

Staff member
I used babelfish to translate, don't mind the errors.

In death danger if it continues with the pregnancy and in danger of death if an abortion practices to him.

This one was the opinion of the medical commission in Nicaragua that the Nicaraguan girl of 9 years of age examined that was pregnant like product of a violation while it worked collecting coffee in the Costa Rica neighbor.

The case, a painful personal tragedy for a humble family of farmers, has faced the groups to favor and against the abortion in this Central American country openly.

And along with they, to good part of the Nicaraguan society.

The controversy

The opinion of the commission, public fact to the edge of the midnight of Tuesday, has made little mediate in the debate, no longer we say to clarify the destiny of the small one.

This one has been pushed the center of a bitter controversy, in which the decision on its case will represent an important precedent.

But the time urges.

The parents of the minor insist on which to their daughter a therapeutic abortion is practiced him, the only one that is allowed by the Nicaraguan legislation.

According to the penal code, this option is valid when the pregnancy represents a risk for the life of the mother; it must be authorized by three facultative ones and to count on the consent of the family.

For the parents of the east girl procedure already was fulfilled, reason why it would be due to come to interrupt the pregnancy immediately.

"We want that our opinion is respected... That they do that to him (the interruption of the pregnancy) because she is our only daughter and we do not want to lose it ", declared its father.

But different sectors, including some institutions of the State, maintain a clear opposition and insist on which the medical commission must emit a new resolution that is "clearer".

The law and the practice

In the indefinición, one begins to shuffle the possibility that the girl, with the support of the movement of women, is taken to the foreigner so that him is practiced an abortion.

Same Tuesday the parents received the safe-conducts that would allow them to travel to Mexico, Dominican Republic, Cuba and the other countries of the Central American area.

Perhaps to avoid it, the ministry of the Family announced that it had been decided to apply to the minor a "measurement of protection", consisting of initiating a program of medical and psychological treatment, which would force it to remain boarding school in a hospital.

In the past, this organ of the government has been accused to respond to the interests of the catholic Church exclusively.

Already this Sunday the archbishop of Managua, cardinal Miguel Obando and Bravo, pronounced itself openly against the option of the therapeutic abortion and called to the ministry of Health to conform the commission "to doctors with a clear respect by the life".

Meanwhile, the delay continues.
This is one of the hard ones. A nine year old has no business being a mother. Espescially as a product of a rape. But the baby should have the right to live, too. It's not it's fault how it was conceived.

I hate situations with no good options.

Although, I do feel that the father has the perfect and absolute right to a castration. And then a lingering death. Preferably in a car shredder.
i agree prof. the father should be castorated but never sewn up. left to bleed out like a stuck pig fot the whole town to see.....
but as for the little girl in question, thats a easy one. put yourself in her fathers shoes. if that was your daughter would you force her to have the baby? That is something i could never do. She is too young to understand all of the life changing affects that are going to take place. she is a child. and she deserves to be a child.
I guess if they would make her have this it should become the girls parents child and they should have the sole responsibility of raising it.
luis i believe he meant the guy who is now a father to this unborn child.
I agree with Sam on this...The situation is wrong on so many levels that the only thing that can be salvaged is the girl's right to be a child....These stories turn my stomach...:disgust2:
Can a 9 year old girl carry this child to a healthy life? I don't think it would be worth trying. I say do the abortion, castrate the man that did it to her, cut his legs off just below the knee, and call it even.
PuterTutor said:
Can a 9 year old girl carry this child to a healthy life? I don't think it would be worth trying. I say do the abortion, castrate the man that did it to her, cut his legs off just below the knee, and call it even.

2nd that
Well... shes catholic. To abort would be a mortal sin. For her to die in delivery would be hunky dory because it would protect her soul.
Not the Pope, he's still dead set against it, but you talk to the local priests, you'd learn alot.
PuterTutor said:
Not the Pope, he's still dead set against it, but you talk to the local priests, you'd learn alot.

Ever notice how the confession booths and the prisoner booths look alot alike?
Catholocism doesn't allow abortion in the event the mothers life is in mortal danger? Hell, Judaism thought of that centuries earlier.
For the most part, they will. She of course will still have to ask for forgiveness, which is a bunch of shit, especially in a case like this.
Yeah, and she could ask the priest where was god when she was being raped.