unclehobart said:Well... shes catholic. To abort would be a mortal sin. For her to die in delivery would be hunky dory because it would protect her soul.
Gonz said:Catholocism doesn't allow abortion in the event the mothers life is in mortal danger? Hell, Judaism thought of that centuries earlier.
Costa Rican police say they have arrested a man in connection with the rape of a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl.
She was allegedly raped while working on a coffee plantation in Costa Rica.
The girl is believed to now be about four months pregnant and her parents have asked the Nicaraguan Government to allow their daughter to have an abortion.
Abortion is illegal in Nicaragua but can be permitted under certain circumstances, including if the life of the mother is in danger.
Doctors say it is possible the girl can carry the child to full term and give birth, although the pregnancy is considered high-risk.
The 20-year-old suspect, an agricultural worker, was detained in Turrialba, about 50 kilometres (30 miles) south-east of the Costa Rican apital, San Jose, police said.
He has denied the charges.
Decision due
The girl returned to Nicaragua last week, the Associated Press reported.
"We want this intervention as soon as possible, for her health and well-being," the girl's father told local television stations.
Also interviewed by local media, the girl said she did not want to have a baby.
"I don't want to share my toys with other children," she said.
The Nicaraguan health ministry was due to rule on Tuesday whether the girl could be allowed to have an abortion.
"I don't want to share my toys with other children," she said.
there just aren't too many 9 yr olds who are as yet fertile. Oh, they COULD be....but it'd be oh so rare...
This is some sick shit...including the notion that some 9 year old girl is working....just working...but then beyond that , in a capacity that would allow some sick fuck time and opportunity to rape her...
The Catholic Church of Nicaragua excommunicated all the people who participated in the abortion to the girl of nine years who had been violated in Costa Rica.
"the parents, the doctors and the medical personnel have been excommunucated ", announced monsignor Silvio Fonseca, general vicar for the education of the archidiosis of Managua, capital of Nicaragua.
It added that the Network of Women against the Violence and the lawyers who also represented the girl will be excommunicated, if they knew that the abortion was caused.
The Network of Women against the Violence had pressed the government so that it authorizes the interruption of the pregnancy.
The Nicaraguan cardinal, Miguel Obando and Bravo, blamed the doctors "to put themselves to the service of the death", in the mass of last Sunday.
Therapeutic abortion
The leader of the National Coordinator of the Childhood and the Adolescence, Luisa Molina, accused Obando to manipulate the Nicaraguan government.
"the cardinal is not over the law and must respect the decision of the people", added Molina.
The girl, whose identity stays reserved, was violated while she helped his parents to harvest coffee.
The parents, Maria Esquivel and Francisco Loads, said, through their lawyer, that decided to interrupt the pregnancy of their daughter by therapeutic reasons and from their free will.
unclehobart said:Excommunication. How weak can you get? ...