Bad poll URL


the prizes around here really do suck[/siz] :blah:
I don't know what yorkshire puddings are, but I bet I don't like em. :lol:

How 'bout Eric Clapton instead of the Queen. I just love him. :headbang:
ok, you can have a pic of eric clapton. you'll love yorkshire's, trust me, they're the best bit about roat dinners.

i'd offer some spotted dick but i can imagine the fear in your eyes :D :eek:
I think I'm allergic to roats and I'm gonna have to turn you down on the dick too, no matter how attractive it is. :D
roats are delicious, roast dinners are ok, but not as good :D

how about some black pudding?
I think I'm allergic to that too. I think anaphalactic shock is starting to set innnnnn[/siz]