Bad week for nightclubs

whatever licenses didn't get got, if there even was a pyro, he/she should have known the danger in there...

jeez :(
Indoor sparks are different & under most situations they are safe. They get used in small venues all the time. Part of the show thing. It goes back to why did the building burn to the ground in 5 minutes?
There was a reporter there who was covering it as a followup story to the Chicago fire. He got it on tape and they have a video on It's freaky.

The 'soundproofing' was styrofoam egg crates, it doesn't take much to light them up. There was a low cieling which would force the fumes and smoke downward quicker and overcome people with smoke inhalation. It's winter and everything is drier than normal, and the doors being opened fueled the fire with the oxygen it needed to grow. I'm not surprised it went up so fast, not at all. Also, an old building and old wood/insulation would burn quicker, no?

In the video you see the cameraman run around to the side of the building to another entrance and there was no one coming out of it. That's at least two exits, although that one was probably closer to the stage and probably overcome with fire.
There were also a batch of poor sods in the bathroom that had no idea what was coming.

Pyro can be used in a small club provided that there are higher celings than that place had. You also do NOT use pyro so close to vertical surfaces regardless of flamability because the element of heat flashover is increased by like a factor of 6. Dry, thin, combustible material all over the walls? No sprinklers? No extinguishers? forget it. The fire marshal would never have issued a permit for pyro there.
that's good news :headbang:

but this is a good point I think
“The town inspected this club over and over and over and did not cite them for any violations,” Pine said. “We’re disturbed that nobody in the town was held accountable.”
if the foam isn't legal, how did the owners pass the inspections? :confuse3:
its possible depending on certain things
1.when the inspections were made it didnt seem to be a fire hazard(its a club so the pyrotechnics shouldnt have been used)
2.lenient firemen/inspectors

there are other ways of passing. the foam could have been put in AFTER the inspection