
what's the artistic part in this thread that makes the need for moving it to the creative forum?

all i see is a bunch of pics of chef.s
:lol: that's what i thought, however i don't see any personal art in this thread, as i said is just a collection of chef photographs (not personal work)
fury said:
and a collection of photographs can't be art?
If they're not taken by yourself.

That is such a pedestrian attitude! This is performance art, man. It is a contemporaneously constructed community-created collage of chefs. The only thing it lacks is a college-educated art critic to write an incomprehensible review of it, a reprensentative of academia to introduce this masterpiece to the masses and initiate them into its mysteries. For that is how society, as we have constructed it, judges which creative endeavors are worthy of the term, 'art'.

I am that critic.

In the name of Dada, Derrida and the Holy Ghost, I hereby annoint this thread, Art. I also endow it with all the properties of art: theme, technique, meaning (or meaninglessness, as you prefer), and most of all, social significance. It speaks to me of society's obsession with food; of the obscene prosperity of Western society, and the exploitation of the third world; of the oppression of minorities, child labor and the struggle of the IRA against the British invaders of their fair country. It cries out against all forms of tyranny, but especially against the tyranny of small-minded, bourgeois moderators who feel the need to place threads in neat little boxes. It is a masterpiece of social criticism!

I give it five spoons.
i give this thread 7 threads out of a possible 7 threads.

and i give Ardsgain a 7 message board users out of a possible 7 message board users for understanding this thread.