Ban on Silicone Breast Implants Lifted


New Member
Don't know how the rest of you look at breast augmentation, but is it realy neccesary? I can understand if the woman had a mastectomy or had been disfigured somehow and wants to be whole once more, but why go for larger breasts?
The government ended a 14-year virtual ban on silicone-gel breast implants Friday despite lingering safety questions, making the devices available to tens of thousands of women who have clamored for them.

The Food and Drug Administration approved the implants for women 22 and older, or those undergoing breast reconstruction surgery, but warned that patients probably would need at least one additional operation because the implants don't last a lifetime.
why go for larger breasts?

Clearly, you are not from Earth. :D

I would venture to guess that at least 75% of the women that you have looked at and said to yourself "nice rack" had been augmented. Sex sells and big tits sell more (of anything).
Studies have been done that show women in jobs without the traditional direct sexual overtones, like stippers and whatnot, get better tips and faster promotions with a bigger rack.

The same thing applies for taller men over shorter men.
Clearly, you are not from Earth. :D

I would venture to guess that at least 75% of the women that you have looked at and said to yourself "nice rack" had been augmented. Sex sells and big tits sell more (of anything).

I like a good game of chest myself and a "D" cup or larger does not do it for me, in fact a B or C is the right size...

As far as the sillycone I heard a rumor before the ban was put in force that there were doctors going to the auto parts store for the goods. If there was anything to it it's no wonder the ban had been in place for as long as it was...
Studies have been done that show women in jobs without the traditional direct sexual overtones, like stippers and whatnot, get better tips and faster promotions with a bigger rack.

The same thing applies for taller men over shorter men.

Sex sells anything and everything. Note that as a stubby fucker I can personally vouch for the second part.

I like a good game of chest myself and a "D" cup or larger does not do it for me, in fact a B or C is the right size...

As far as the sillycone I heard a rumor before the ban was put in force that there were doctors going to the auto parts store for the goods. If there was anything to it it's no wonder the ban had been in place for as long as it was...

I don't think so, it's a different type of silicone. They tried this before. There's too much money in it, it'll never stick.
I just realized that my line : 'Studies have been done that show women in jobs without the traditional direct sexual overtones, like stippers and whatnot, get better tips and faster promotions with a bigger rack.' sounds like I'm implying that strippers are in a nonsexual job. I split that infinitive right down to the nucleus... bleh.
I don't think so, it's a different type of silicone. They tried this before. There's too much money in it, it'll never stick.

I realize I was off topic on it, going back to the story it had been more geared towards reconstruction and not enhancement. The former is what I have objections with...
I realize I was off topic on it, going back to the story it had been more geared towards reconstruction and not enhancement. The former is what I have objections with...

How can you object to something that does not affect you or anyone else on this planet (except the one person getting the augmentation) in ANY way? I understand people objecting to abortions and violence against women, and gangs and a whole slew of other things...because those are things that affect people other than the one making the decision...and objecting to them is looking out for ones fellow human who may be harmed without having any say in the matter. However, people who have breast implants are not affecting ANYONE but themselves and noone else should have ANY say in it.
Devils advocate sez:

It does have an impact upon the system in general that hits everyone in the wallet if the costs are borne by subisidised medicine in any way, or in the worst of circumstances when the woman becomes crippled and is requiring of life-long disability.
Devils advocate sez:

It does have an impact upon the system in general that hits everyone in the wallet if the costs are borne by subisidised medicine in any way, or in the worst of circumstances when the woman becomes crippled and is requiring of life-long disability.

What kinda screwed up system subsidizes cosmetic surgery?
It's not considered cosmetic surgery if it is reconstructive.

Well, highwayman says he has no objections to reconstructive I was simply replying to the idea of breast implants for the sole reason of wanting larger breasts.