Bandwidth Usage


Staff member
What's the typical bandwidth usage for a month for someone who surfs, checks email, does some banking, occasionally downloads a few songs??

OR, anyone who is a Rogers there anyway for me to find out my bandwidth usage?
if you are using dialup, your bandwidth is aprox. 4000 hz. dsl is typically 1.5 mhz. cable often takes up a channel on an fdm network, or 5-6 mhz.

pst, you are really asking about bitrates, not bandwidth ;)
I'm asking about how much one typically downloads/uploads in a month carrying out the tasks I outlined above.
That would depend on many factors wouldn't it?

Stealing music? Downlaoding the latest game demos? Streaming video? For me it's nothing, for a AOL subscriber it'd be hell. I can pull down a gig in under 10 minutes. Let's see NetZero match that.
I used Netzero because it is cheap and works great on the laptop when on the road. No point in having the highspeed when you are too busy to play with it...
I don't want to know SPEED, I want to know how much up/down I'd use in a month by browsing, emailing and banking online. This has NOTHING to do with dial up.
It has everything to do with bandwidth. If you can only steal the first 3 Led Zeppelion albums because of dial-up you'll use far less bandwidth than if you can download all of Sony Music.

WHat you're talking about...very little bandwidth, although I can't give you a number. Sorry.
Just don't trust their online monitors and figure you can do some downloading cause it says you're nowhere near your limit near the end of the month.

They sneak attack you and lump sum add it on there (i.e. it's not constantly updated) so you could easily end up going way over. See what you do for a few months and then gauge it like that.
the term bandwidth has been taken out of context for quite some time. bandwidth is the measure of a frequency range, or the "width" of the band. webhosters hijacked the term a while back.