Banned, but still remembered

That's what I like (well, besides the Escalade Hybrid, which ain't happening) but Rob does not.
Do yourself a favour and learn from me. Find out what the annual average repair cost for the model is before you invest. The Caravan I'm running now has a flat firewall that makes changing sparkplugs a no brainer compared to the 5.5h marathon the Transport had. It also has cap't chair in the middle row that make front to back movement simple compared to the solid wall middle of the Transport. When you finally narrow down your options, I highly suggest renting one for a week(end?) to see how livable is is. Many dealerships are now allowing this as a test drive. GM optimum used vehicles (here) allow 30 days to swap it back.
Yeah, Rob's been slowly accruing info, as is his way, I'll have a smidge of say when it comes to the butt-in-the-seat-tire-kicking phase. This transition will be quite a ways in the future, Lord willing and if the (other) soccer mom's can keep from totalling us again.
Those cars are known for running for ever, i am just saying that i perfer an american car anyday, i would rather support our economy with buying a new american made car then a imported car.

You do know that Toyota and Honda do MAKE some of thier cars in the U.S. by people who do live in the U.S.
You do know that Toyota and Honda do MAKE some of thier cars in the U.S. by people who do live in the U.S.

yes i know this but i still hate them because i know who designed them, i also won't buy american car that are designed here and built over seas.
I dunno about that. I think Mexicans build many things well. Just not the stuff they import cheaply...excepting for those falsa blankets. Those are cheap and last for years.

I also purchased some cheap crap in Canada. Of course, I think it was imported from China.
I dunno about that. I think Mexicans build many things well. Just not the stuff they import cheaply...excepting for those falsa blankets. Those are cheap and last for years.

I also purchased some cheap crap in Canada. Of course, I think it was imported from China.

never bought anything from canada, but i like rush, so i indirectly like canada, i like mexico, and mexicans, they do keep my lawn very clean.:brush:
I respect the hell out of them. The legal ones, at any rate. It's a rough life. They work like crazy and they do it for their families. I can't say that about a lot of men I have come into contact with (present OTC company excluded, I am sure).
I respect the hell out of them. The legal ones, at any rate. It's a rough life. They work like crazy and they do it for their families. I can't say that about a lot of men I have come into contact with (present OTC company excluded, I am sure).

I respect the legal and the illeagal ones, they are both just trying to make the best for there familys.
Not so much subhuman... more that they're breaking the law with the first thing they do in this country, and that they generally tend to be paid in cash under the table and thus don't pay taxes, but yet go to our hospitals (which are obligated to treat first and ask financial questions later) and don't pay, leaving hospitals or taxpayers stuck with the bill. However, the kids born here are citizens and thus get state low-income medical care and free access to public schools.