Barbie Dolls a Threat to Morality

while i agree that the barbie doll creates an unobtainable goal for the majority of little girls to achieve, i think banning them is a bit inane. it's a frigging doll and it doesn't raise children. parents are the ones who are suppose to shape a childs morals, not a hunk of plastic produced by mattel. i played with barbies like mad as a girl and today, i am not obsessed with my body and appearance - i mean, i have a healthy concern for it, same as the next person. human beings are so quick to lay blame on the inanimate for their mistakes.
"It is no problem that little girls play with dolls. But these dolls should not have the developed body of a woman, and wear revealing clothes," al-Merdas said.

"These revealing clothes will be imprinted in their minds and they will refuse to wear the clothes we are used to as Muslims," the sheik said.

Women in Saudi Arabia must cover themselves from head to toe with a black cloak in public. They are not allowed to drive and cannot go out in public unaccompanied by a male family member.

typically cnn...they are talking about the barbies not being dressed appropriately...then they explain why they think the barbies don't fit into their thinking pattern...
and all of the sudden the writer makes totally unrelated comments about women not being allowed to drive a car and not being allowed to go out in public unaccompanied by a male family member...trying to put things in a bad day light by saying that.

some people just never learn.
tonks said:
while i agree that the barbie doll creates an unobtainable goal for the majority of little girls to achieve, i think banning them is a bit inane. it's a frigging doll and it doesn't raise children. parents are the ones who are suppose to shape a childs morals, not a hunk of plastic produced by mattel. i played with barbies like mad as a girl and today, i am not obsessed with my body and appearance - i mean, i have a healthy concern for it, same as the next person. human beings are so quick to lay blame on the inanimate for their mistakes.
Isn't that the truth? Is it just me or does it seem like more parents don't take responsibility for actually raising their children? Maybe I'm just getting old, but I swear, more children seem to be left to their own devices and when things go wrong, a game, a music artist, a movie, etc. are what is to blame. :eyebrow:
SexyBoo said:
when things go wrong, a game, a music artist, a movie, etc. are what is to blame. :eyebrow:

Exactly! This sort of blame shifting is not exclusive to any country. I'm sick of Muslims being demonized... When the media in the US talks about violent video games, or adult oriented entertainment, all of a sudden it becomes about MORALITY.

But then it seems we've all become such fragile creatures that we need protection from junk food, television, high fat diets, cigarettes, rock'n'roll, alcohol, hot coffee, political opinions, classic literature, contemporary art, etc, etc, etc. :disgust:
SexyBoo said:
Isn't that the truth? Is it just me or does it seem like more parents don't take responsibility for actually raising their children? Maybe I'm just getting old, but I swear, more children seem to be left to their own devices and when things go wrong, a game, a music artist, a movie, etc. are what is to blame. :eyebrow:

its not just you. its blame everything but the damn problem. first ill blame the parents unless the kid is old enough to know better. but we cant blame the parents :rolleyes:
Ha! If they think these dolls are slutty, wait till they see the "Freebie Haliwell Doll--Now comes with own magical vibrator and pyshcotic stalker demonic ex-husband, not to mention with all the cooter tat goodness". Heh. They'd have a fit.
When does anatomically correct Porno barbie and Ken come out year? :lloyd:

I hear that set comes with a small video camera, a Fairfield Inn room playset, and a Larry Flynn attorney.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'm sick of Muslims being demonized... When the media in the US talks about violent video games, or adult oriented entertainment, all of a sudden it becomes about MORALITY.

Im sure you are sick of hearing this by now for everyone who has heard already heard my views on Islam but for the aid of MAT.....

I live in a town with a large mulim population....we have to bend over backwards for them or be called racists. Stuff like creating jobs (smoking awareness officer that goes to mosques....strictly muslim owners) a council decree style thing saying all takeaways must sell Halal food (for the young muslims out drinking and smoking and partaking of vices bnut still using their religion as a weapon) these things only apply when they want them to so they end up demonising themselves
Bah! All this "flimsy clothes" and "busty bods" is a load of hogwash.......they banned Barbie because Mattel wouldn't invest the cash in the Breadstealer Barbie - Complete with Detachable Hands.

steweygrrrr said:
we have to bend over backwards for them or be called racists

This is the point I tried to make (unsuccessfully): society over-protects. So you see, we don't necessarily disagree. :)

I used the word 'demonize' because it seems whenever I run across a bit of news showing a Muslim doing something repressive or simply stupid, he is shown as an evil barbarian. When a Christian is shown burning a book we're told about the moral struggle involved. :disgust:

The idea of banning Barbie is as stupid in my book as issuing warning labels on albums or coffee for crying out loud.

(The moron that doesn't realize a hot beverage could scald should truly be removed from the gene pool, imho.)
thats one of my probs with the media. it reinforces stereotypes. its sad but it seems to be about ratings and reinforcing prejudice ideas for whatever reason.
while i agree that the barbie doll creates an unobtainable goal for the majority of little girls to achieve, i think banning them is a bit inane. it's a frigging doll and it doesn't raise children. parents are the ones who are suppose to shape a childs morals, not a hunk of plastic produced by mattel

It's called scapegoating...a very efficient and easy method to employ to hide ones shame and lack of responsibility.
freako104 said:
thats one of my probs with the media. it reinforces stereotypes. its sad but it seems to be about ratings and reinforcing prejudice ideas for whatever reason.

Only to those who live life in a TV tube filled world :mope:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
This is the point I tried to make (unsuccessfully): society over-protects. So you see, we don't necessarily disagree. :)

aaah ok....but I wouldnt see that as over protection I'd see that as racial pressure for us to live their way in our country