Barbie torture

Professur said:
One Word. "Lego". I didn't have toys ...... I MADE TOYS>

I had those, too...but after building "the worlds largest LEGO tower" for the umpteenth time, just to have it knocked over by a playful dog, they got old. The dog, of course, made a fine steed for GI Joe...until he reached around and yanked him off... :lloyd:
Gato_Solo said:
I had those, too...but after building "the worlds largest LEGO tower" for the umpteenth time, just to have it knocked over by a playful dog, they got old.

Ah, the great artist speaks. I made a 4' long, motorized semi cab-over tractor trailer. My brother made a long nose in competition. I had at one point a railway setup that would have made an HO enthusiast go green. A full lunar landscape. Every Tonka truck any kid on the block had (motorized, with working lights). I even made a working differential ... just to try and figure out the mechanics of it.

I miss my Lego.
My legos were restricted to standard pieces of a limited number, so I usually just ended up making houses. One at a time of course. :lloyd:

Spent more time out in the dirt anyways.
I generally got 4 or 5 big sets for occaisions. and I'd blow my allowance on smaller kits. Let just say I don't have most of it anymore for space reasons.
I just had the hand-me-downs from my brothers, and it all fitted nicely in a not too large box. Allowance was something other kids got.

Oy vey, now I'm like, sad.
tonksy said:
In case anyone cares

All mine had purple mohawks and tattoos.

that's useful, especially the comment someone made to that. i've wanted to repaint barbie faces for a while, after i once saw a page for a woman who customized barbies, including repainting the faces. but i couldn't remember how she got the original paint off. now i know, and remember, it was nailpolish remover.

i have a few punk/goth/alternative barbies myself :)
Starya said:
I just had the hand-me-downs from my brothers, and it all fitted nicely in a not too large box. Allowance was something other kids got.

Oy vey, now I'm like, sad.

Don't feel bad. I was the last of 5 kids, on an Air Force salary. I did the same thing you did, and I turned out....

Oops. Never mind.
... then. No way mum would let me watch them godfather movies when I was littler. Not after I persisted in practicing taekwondo on him. :lloyd: