Barebacking parties apparently not quick enough for these guys


Well-Known Member
Interesting that the names of the accused are witheld under the privacy laws.,2933,450965,00.html

Dutch Court Sentences 2 Men in HIV Infection Case
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — A Dutch court convicted two men Wednesday for attempting to infect 14 victims with HIV in a bizarre sex case.

The Groningen District Court found the two guilty of severe assault for injecting semiconscious men with HIV-infected blood at sex parties between January 2006 and May 2007.

Peter M., 49, who was also convicted of rape, was sentenced to nine years in prison and Hans J., 39, received a five-year sentence. Under Dutch privacy laws, the surnames of convicted criminals are not released.

Prosecutors said they would appeal for higher sentences.

"By committing these acts, (Peter M.) has shown himself to have a serious lack of respect for the rights of others," the three-judge panel's written ruling said. "While he knew from his own experience what far-reaching consequences are tied to an infection with HIV, he repeatedly attempted to bring this same hurt to others."

Prosecutors had argued that the two men, along with a third who was acquitted of major charges, had drugged the 14 victims and intentionally infected them.

But in Wednesday's ruling, judges said while the victims all had HIV, it could not be proven that they were infected by the injections because they willingly took part in orgies where gay men had unprotected sex.

The judges also said allegations the victims were given GHB, known as a "date rape" drug, were also unproven.

The suspects were not charged with attempted murder since Dutch courts have held that HIV is a chronic illness rather than an inevitably fatal one.
one wonders how you find this stuff, jim. and one wonders why it's always you that posts this stuff.
The suspects were not charged with attempted murder since Dutch courts have held that HIV is a chronic illness rather than an inevitably fatal one.

They do have a point there. Technically, no one dies of AIDS. It just makes it to where you can die from, say, a cold. It would be the cold that kills you, not AIDS.
By the by, if its "always me" who posts this stuff, let me give you still one more to bitch and moan about.

New thread coming up. Watch for it.
Take a moment.

Compose yourself.

Take a deep breath.

Open your eyes.

Now read the link that says

that's great sugarpie. and i'm sure somewhere that there's a story on foxnews about a sparrow being run over by a 1/8 sherman tank replica, but that ain't the article you found, is it?
that's great sugarpie. and i'm sure somewhere that there's a story on foxnews about a sparrow being run over by a 1/8 sherman tank replica, but that ain't the article you found, is it?

Hey, you were the one who was wondering how I find this stuff. Don't pose questions you don't want answered.
Clearly not a part of their paradigm.

The polls and studies disagree with you.

The Pew Research report released recently shows FoxNews to be the most fair and balanced network on the presidential election and MSNBC the most biased. Hopefully we aren't going to have that silly debate about "tone" vs. "bias" again.

Fox News has 22/40 pos/neg coverage of McCain
Fox News has 25/40 pos/neg coverage of Obama

CNN has 13/61 pos/neg coverage of McCain
CNN has 36/39 pos/neg coverage of Obama

MSNBC has 10/73 pos/neg coverage of McCain
MSNBC has 43/14 pos/neg coverage of Obama

Media overall has 14/57 pos/neg coverage of McCain
Media overall has 36/29 pos/neg coverage of Obama

MSNBC Tone of McCain coverage -
Positive - 10%
Neutral - 17%
Negative - 73%

Fox News Tone of McCain coverage -
Positive - 22%
Neutral - 38%
Negative - 40%

CNN Tone of McCain coverage -
Positive - 13
Neutral - 26
Negative - 61

MSNBC Tone of Obama coverage -
Positive - 43%
Neutral - 43%
Negative - 14%

Fox News Tone of Obama coverage -
Positive - 25%
Neutral - 35%
Negative - 40%

CNN Tone of Obama coverage -
Positive - 36
Neutral - 25
Negative - 39

Who’s Fair and Balanced?: Fox News Channel’s coverage was more balanced toward both parties than the broadcast networks were. On FOX, evaluations of all Democratic candidates combined were split almost evenly – 51% positive vs. 49% negative, as were all evaluations of GOP candidates – 49% positive vs. 51% negative, producing a perfectly balanced 50-50 split for all candidates of both parties.

On the three broadcast networks, opinion on Democratic candidates split 47% positive vs. 53% negative, while evaluations of Republicans were more negative – 40% positive vs. 60% negative. For both parties combined, network evaluations were almost 3 to 2 negative in tone, i.e. 41% positive vs. 59% negative.


The Center for Media and Public Affairs is a media research organization that uses scientific content analysis to study news and entertainment media content. CMPA is affiliated with the George Mason University, where CMPA President Dr. S. Robert Lichter is Professor of Communications.

CMPA has monitored every presidential election since 1988 using the same methodology, in which trained coders tally all mentions of candidates and issues and all evaluations of candidates. We report the evaluations by non-partisan sources, excluding comments by the candidates and campaigns about each other, because research shows that non-partisan sources have the most influence on public opinion, and they are also more subject to the discretion of reporters. However, we maintain data files on partisan evaluations as well.