Baseball wakes up


molṑn labé
Staff member
Not strict enough but it's a start.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Saying it wanted to restore confidence in the game, baseball rolled out a tougher steroid-testing program Thursday that includes penalties for first-time offenders and random, year-round checks.

"I've been saying for some time my goal for this industry is zero tolerance toward steroids," baseball commissioner Bud Selig (search) said.

A first positive test would result in a suspension of up to 10 days, a second positive test a 30-day ban, a third positive a 60-day penalty, and a fourth positive test a one-year ban.

I can't believe MLB is just now getting around to something like this. Perhaps this will help deflate Barry Bonds' enormous head to something a bit smaller than Thanksgiving float size. Too bad it won't deflate his ego or keep him out of the Hall of Fame. :rolleyes:
abooja said:
I can't believe MLB is just now getting around to something like this. Perhaps this will help deflate Barry Bonds' enormous head to something a bit smaller than Thanksgiving float size. Too bad it won't deflate his ego or keep him out of the Hall of Fame. :rolleyes:

Why do you think the Pirates got rid of him so many years ago? They should've kept Bonilla, though...
Baseball is entertaiment, pure and simple. It is not atleticism. Its all about the $... always has been. The people never gave a rats tit about purity. They want to see homers at darn near any cost.
There are still a few of us purists afoot who truly relish the game. It is the one organized sport I excelled at as a youth, so I love the strategy behind every pitch, the beauty of a perfectly executed 6-4-3 double play, the discipline required to smack the ball off the Green Monster rather than trying to flop it over...yeah, spectacular home runs are nice once in a while, but so is a two hitter pitched by a man in total control of his pitching talent. There is no sound equal to that of a ball being solidly struck by a wooden bat. I may be outnumbered, but that's OK. I'm used to that. Give me a good baseball game any lazy afternoon and I'm happy.
SouthernN'Proud said:
There are still a few of us purists afoot who truly relish the game. It is the one organized sport I excelled at as a youth, so I love the strategy behind every pitch, the beauty of a perfectly executed 6-4-3 double play, the discipline required to smack the ball off the Green Monster rather than trying to flop it over...yeah, spectacular home runs are nice once in a while, but so is a two hitter pitched by a man in total control of his pitching talent. There is no sound equal to that of a ball being solidly struck by a wooden bat. I may be outnumbered, but that's OK. I'm used to that. Give me a good baseball game any lazy afternoon and I'm happy.

Add a Braves win to that, and it's perfection. :p
Don't worry, S'n'P, I got your back.

The Rangers have the parts in place to win the World Series. All they would have to do now is shitcan Buck Showalter, and they'll win it all the very next year. It worked for the Yankees and Diamondbacks, after all. :D
Hmm... A-Rod? Or an improvement of 18 wins from 2003 to 2004? Gee... THAT'S a hard decision! :D
Some of us judge our ball teams on factors other than aesthetics. I know that's a tough concept for you, given that all your sports idols are chosen on the butt factor alone, but really you oughta give it a shot sometime abooja. Gives a whole new perspective to sport.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Some of us judge our ball teams on factors other than aesthetics. I know that's a tough concept for you, given that all your sports idols are chosen on the butt factor alone, but really you oughta give it a shot sometime abooja. Gives a whole new perspective to sport.
Um...I was just joking.

I know a whole lot about baseball and a little something about racing. None of this knowledge was the result of my having only stared at the crotches and faces of my beloved sports heroes. Because I happen to think an athlete is hot does not negate this fact. Just for the record, since you've decided to take me so literally. :)