Bass ackwards


molṑn labé
Staff member
(KUTV) SALT LAKE CITY, Utah A mother is upset after a 14-year-old babysitter engaged in sexual conduct with her eight-year-old boy, and the eight-year-old was charged with lewd conduct.

Grosbeck went to police and child protection workers, and the case went to the district attorney, after which her son, age eight, had been charged with an act of lewdness with a minor.

Although the charges against her son were dropped, she is concerned that the same thing could happen to other victims of sexual abuse.

Going to the authorities over a parental matter? Having said authorities overreact & improperly bring charges, and against the wrong party. Calling this sexual abuse is demeaning to the true victims.

Help us.

So an 8 yo molested the 14 yo? When is the awards ceremony?
1. Charging the eight year old is ludicrous. The boy is now labelled for life.

2. Charging the male instead of the PC. Guess she learned a lesson in all this too.

3. I say, arrest the damn cops and the DA involved. Gross Stupidity and Aggravated Uselessness. Sentence them to one year without pay. That'll learn 'em.
Charging the boy sounds like a "Not my little angel"itis on the part of the girls folx. They'll get over it when she becomes the next pre-teen pregnancy.
MrBishop said:
Charging the boy sounds like a "Not my little angel"itis on the part of the girls folx. They'll get over it when she becomes the next pre-teen pregnancy.

No, they'll charge another boy with a sex crime. I see it every day.
SouthernN'Proud said:
No, they'll charge another boy with a sex crime. I see it every day.
Kinda like statutory rape...where the boy doesn't mind, the girl doesn't mind but the parents have serious issues.
Precisely. I always thought that in those circumstances, where the parents allow something to happen simply because they want to get rid of the boyfriend, then they press statutory charges and put the kid on the sex offender registry and brand him for life as a sex offender, that the charge should be considered a property crime. That's how the parents are treating it, why shouldn't the courts?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Precisely. I always thought that in those circumstances, where the parents allow something to happen simply because they want to get rid of the boyfriend, then they press statutory charges and put the kid on the sex offender registry and brand him for life as a sex offender, that the charge should be considered a property crime. That's how the parents are treating it, why shouldn't the courts?
The bloody changes should be overturned, especially in the cases where both the boy and girl are about the same age and both underage. Can you imagine living with that on your rap-sheet for the rest of your life? Filling out application forms have got to be a bitch after that. "Well, you see...I got lucky when I was 14 but instead of using a shotgun, her parents decided to fuck my life forever"

Actually, you might know...if the boy is 16, are the records sealed when he hits 18?
MrBishop said:
Actually, you might know...if the boy is 16, are the records sealed when he hits 18?
For most things, yes. For sex offences, nope. It's like herpes, it's always there.
PT said:
For most things, yes. For sex offences, nope. It's like herpes, it's always there.
Poor boy's fucked then? If I was his folx, I'd lay counter-charges for 'corrupting a minor' and 'paedophilia'.

See how long her folx last before they 'drop the charges for the benefit of the child's future' :p
It'll stay on a juvenile record. After about age 25, most employers don't worry too much about juvenile records.

For it to be statutory, one of the participants must be underage, the other must be of age, and there must be X number years difference in their ages. 18 and 17 won't work...has to be so much separation. Trouble is, a lot of 16 year old girls look and pass themselves as 18 or 19. A 20 year old guy, then...
since they were both under the age on consent, other than a piece of shit charge, what does that make this?
MrBishop said:
since they were both under the age on consent, other than a piece of shit charge, what does that make this?

Something that will most likely be thrown out of court if there are any sensible people afoot. If not, a cause celebre for certain.

Sex crimes are under a microscope these days, and for good reason. These perverts need to be watched closely IF they are gonna be allowed in our communities. That's a whole separate ball of wax.

See, it's real good for a local legislator to have his name attached to a bill that "gets tough on sex offenders" come election time. It's popular legislation. I don't have many problems with that, seeing as I am not a sex offender. But I will say this. These bills are becoming laws, and some of them are damn near impossible to enforce in the real world. As with any law, there are a few cases that are just so damn borderline, or have some unforseen circumstance that prevents the affected person(s) from being able to 100% comply. Or even, when they do try to comply, some idiot with another agency drops the ball and puts them in violation status through no real fault of their own.

I know that happens. I have three in that boat right now.

As a rule, sex offenders are the model probationers. They are more compliant with their technical terms of supervision than any other grouping of offenders. Why? Couple reasons. One, they do HARD time in jail. Other inmates have this habit of beating the shit out of them on a regular basis. Two, they want to stay out so they can either reoffend or at least have access to potential victims for real or imagined encounters. Sick, but true. So they cross Ts and dot Is on probation usually. Most that get violated are because they get a new arrest or because they got caught with porn on their puters or something.

As to this specific case, I think it should be thrown out, both kids severely chastised and sent to some lame "counselling" scheduled at times when they would otherwise be doing something fun, the girl's parents should attend parenting classes, the boy's parents should find a new babysitter, and life should go forward.