Batchelor Party Comin' Soon!


New Member
Yeah, June 14th I tie the knot, an' my best Bud is hostin' an evenin' of FOOD, WINE & COMPUTOR GAMING!! (the 3 essential nutritional groups, I think):D

I'm lookin' forward to hangin' out with a great buncha guys, even though I totally suck at gaming. I figure, after a certain number of glasses, it jus' won't matter, it'll be all laughs from there.

Oh yeah, an' GONZ, don't try any o' that straight-laced, momma's-boy crap.............I'd like the REAL GONZO to please stand up!:D

Sammy, don't worry, we'll have plenti-o-cheese too!:headbang:
It's become a sad commentary on our lives. We've all become old enough to not wanna go to the titty bars & instead have chosen a LAN party to celebrate (mock?) an impending wedding. :shrug:

If the old Gonzo showed up 75, you wouldn't know what to do with it :headbang:
Gonz said:
If the old Gonzo showed up 75, you wouldn't know what to do with it :headbang:

Ya shouldn't express so much disappointment in somethin' as natural as bein' "old".

I mean, I'm sure ya can't be that much older than my Momma, (56).

Besides, the furniture is pretty comfy, an' there's a bathroom at each end of the house, very near the sittin' room!:D

If ya feel up to a short walk, after supper, I could take ya out to the garage, an' let ya take a gander at THE immortal '75 RENEGADE, in all her remainin' glory!!;)
Gonz said:
75renegade said:
I mean, I'm sure ya can't be that much older than my Momma, (56).

That's almost Q's age, get real :D

*watches as Gonzo wades out into the river, shorty before bein' devoured by the hundreds of pirannas, which cry out, "Q RULES"*:D

*moment of silence, please, for the late, Great, Gonzo..........*:crying4: :D