Battlestar Galactica rebirth on SCi-fi chan. TONIGHT!

Man I wish friday would hurry up.
I'm chomping at the bit for the new season..
and Battlestar.
Maori/New Zealander

they do make good aliens
they look like they are from another planet huh?
The new Battlestar was a major friggin dissapointment. I thought Ishtar was bad... but this new Battlestar... *pee-yew*
That was my assessment too. Fer Christ sakes .... At least leave the character's sexes alone. Cylons aren't aliens anymore? They took a great sci-fi concept of alien races warring on each other, to a discussion of human immorality. Just another example of people eating up this PC fodder.

Baaaaaaah. Good little sheep.
catocom said:
Man I wish friday would hurry up.
I'm chomping at the bit for the new season..
and Battlestar.
fially another new season tonight...
what's it been...6 months now. :confused:
I tells ya... the first episode should have ended with whiny prez 'stands with a fist' getting a long shove out of a short airlock. She was still trying to play up basic silly feel-good politics while the human species was effectively being 95% wiped out. Societal fabric was torn asunder. A government of clearing everything through a civilian leader is counterproductive to survival.
unclehobart said:
I tells ya... the first episode should have ended with whiny prez 'stands with a fist' getting a long shove out of a short airlock. She was still trying to play up basic silly feel-good politics while the human species was effectively being 95% wiped out. Societal fabric was torn asunder. A government of clearing everything through a civilian leader is counterproductive to survival.

I wouldn't think PC-ism so much as the guaranteed conflict fills half of the subplots for the forseeable future. It cuts down on the need for creative writing. God knows they can't animate fast enough to fill it up with combat like everyone wants.
I really like the show. All the old technology that is used and such. Just wish i could get the first couple of seasons on DVD. would be a great collection to have. will have to do some saving up and get them.
The clincher is what will the other 8 cylons look like.