BBQ 2007

I vote for Montreal...or where ever it is exactly that your cottage is :shrug:
So we're going to have one this year?

Hmm... I can't make any guarantees yet. I certainly won't be getting married this summer, though.
It definitely won't be this summer. Next summer? Dunno yet... definitely not this summer.
Why not bring the first non crazy gf you've had since we've known you along with you?
So we're going to have one this year?

Hmm... I can't make any guarantees yet. I certainly won't be getting married this summer, though.

Why wouldn't we have one this year???

Oh, also, if it's in Montreal (and thus I'll be attending) I call making an awesome beef and pasta dish that I had in Greece (I've made it once myself and am making it a second time this evening)'s SO GOOD!
What's the point of having one? Apparently nobody is willing to talk here, why would they talk in person?
Why not bring the first non crazy gf you've had since we've known you along with you?

Forst of all, she'll probably have to work... plus there's the cost of going, as one person will be a lot, let alone two... plus, if it's in Montreal, I've got a passport (Caity and I were supposed to honeymoon in the Cook Islands) but I don't think she does.
If you DRIVE you don't need a passport :p

I'm not so sure about that.

But supposing you're right, that's 2,976 miles... if I can average 30 miles to the gallon at $3 a gallon, that's 99.2 gallons or $297.60 one way or $595.20 round-trip, just for gas. Not to mention about 45 hours of driving, meaning I'd have to find somewhere to sleep twice... Motel 6 will cost at least $50 each night, so $100 each way or $200 total. Total cost so far $795.20. Add in the cost of meals, probably $120 for the both of us (round number)... so $915.20, plus I'd need to do an oil change while in Montreal... it's been costing me a bit over $20 to buy the stuff to do that.

So with miscellaneous expenses, it would cost about a grand and take about six days of driving.

That's not cheaper enough than flying to justify it, considering the limited vacation time available. I might be able to get two weeks, but she just had her three-month review at Wal-Mart yesterday so she won't have any vacation time available this summer yet.
Well, I don't need a passport to drive into the states (this I am 100% sure of) so I am pretty damn sure you don't need one to get into Canada...but the rest of your excuse makes sense.
Well, there's always the possibility of hosting it in Ontario if that would net more traffic. Or anywhere else. If I'm hosting, it'll simply be an extension of my day-to-day anyhow. If anyone else wants to chime in, feel free. From the looks of things, our highest density's changed from Ga to Ca and Ont. Maybe Inky could host a west coast do. Arizona shouldn't be too far a haul to attract some. Might even be warm enough to attract someone from the cold fearing Ga. or La.