BBSpot is my hero


New Member
It's not easy for me to laugh on Mondays at work like this but they always come through for me.

Apple Unveils New Macs To
Satisfy Mac "Lovers"

By Brian Briggs

New York - At the MacWorld Expo today, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, unveiled the new dMac and vMac to satisfy the needs of Mac "lovers" everywhere.

"Yet again, Apple is breaking new ground in personal computer design," said Jobs, "For so long people have come up to me and said, 'Steve, when are you going to make a Mac that I can have sex with.' That time is now." In addition to the dMac and vMac, Jobs also announced that Apple will be releasing the biMac.
I suppose the angle is a little better for that... but also, the vent is right by the phallus and a lot of heat comes out that vent on an iMac. Would that be good or bad?