Be aware of the NWO

I'm kinda curious about the coffins in Georgia, is that true?
Probably...but they probably contracted them to be built for a decade or 2's worth of Fema related disasters - hence the 5,000. I am also betting that the barbed wire is on the fence surrounding the compound to keep folks out not in. That's where they are going to be storing a lot of supplies to be distributing in case of an emergency. A likely place for looters.
Yeah, I thought so, those conspiracies freaks are no better than those behind conspiracies :D
My thought on the coffins is that it is a simple emergency measure for those that are already dead. The last few major hurricanes have left brutal flooding that has eroded and washed out several cemetaries causing a few 1000 coffins to pop up like corks and start washing down rivers. The emergency coffins, if you will note, are seemingly three times larger than a given person needs. It is because it is intended to go around an entire coffin to hold what little structural integrity might be left in some of these century old boxes.
Conspiracy theorists keep us more unarmed than the real problems. They give us make believe shit to laugh at & help us ignore the real stuff.

What possible reason would the rich & powerful have in destroying the peasants who are, in fact, the ones responsible for keeping them rich & powerful? How many George Foreman Grills can 100,000 rich folks buy before they have enough? Keep the middle class chasing the brass ring made Sam Walton & crew very fat & happy. Why end such a grerat scheme?
well, Most of that is pretty whacked out.
There's no denying that there are still Masons though, and most of the former
presidents were/are.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Carlos Slim is a mason.:shrug:

(what I posted in the other wrong thread)
Probably...but they probably contracted them to be built for a decade or 2's worth of Fema related disasters - hence the 5,000. I am also betting that the barbed wire is on the fence surrounding the compound to keep folks out not in. That's where they are going to be storing a lot of supplies to be distributing in case of an emergency. A likely place for looters.
Or, given the effectiveness of FEMA nowadays, part of one.

Conspiracy theorists keep us more unarmed than the real problems. They give us make believe shit to laugh at & help us ignore the real stuff.

What possible reason would the rich & powerful have in destroying the peasants who are, in fact, the ones responsible for keeping them rich & powerful? How many George Foreman Grills can 100,000 rich folks buy before they have enough? Keep the middle class chasing the brass ring made Sam Walton & crew very fat & happy. Why end such a grerat scheme?
I love capitalism. Stop being such a commie, komrade. ;)

Sound familiar, anyone? Just because it's a conspiracy theory doesn't make it automatically wrong.
Conspiracy theorists keep us more unarmed than the real problems. They give us make believe shit to laugh at & help us ignore the real stuff.

yes, there are many, many, distractions. such as...

"the gays are after our children"

when, really,

"it's the economy, stupid"
Sound familiar, anyone? Just because it's a conspiracy theory doesn't make it automatically wrong.


we need to protect our precious body fluids.

General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war?
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don't think I do, sir, no.
General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
Major T. J. "King" Kong:
Stay on the bomb run, boys!
I'm gonna get them doors open
if it harelips ever'body on Bear Creek!

Yes once again in your inimitable way Minkster
you've brought home a point.
While I lived under the supposed threat of thermonuclear
vaporization from a Soviet pre-emptive
first strike for 30 years of my life, it NEVER came.

Now we've been promised a multi-generation
war on terror
(I actually saw the acronym WOT, used the other day,
I liked it better when that stood for WOT )

Thing is I could believe we faced a threat from the Rooskies
they had nukes pointed at us, but these lame ass camel-jockeys are so not a threat!

C'Mon how many 9-11's would it take to even begin to
bother the USA?

"This latest stonewalling attempt raises troubling questions about what the White House is trying to hide by refusing to turn over evidence it was willing to provide months ago as long as the information was shared in secret with no opportunity for Congress to pursue the matter further," Leahy, D-Vt., said in a statement released from his office on Friday.

"This White House continues to say it is open to cooperation, yet fails to live up to its promises time and again," he continued.,2933,288622,00.html

so, it's more important to have the "open communications", than to find out if
something 'criminal' has been done?

IMO not.
Sounds like a piss-poor excuse to me.*piss2*

Also IMO, this "Executive Privilege" needs more oversite.
Thing is I could believe we faced a threat from the Rooskies
they had nukes pointed at us, but these lame ass camel-jockeys are so not a threat!

C'Mon how many 9-11's would it take to even begin to
bother the USA?

I keep saying it and people keep shouting me down. :shrug:
I keep saying it and people keep shouting me down. :shrug:

A threat is a threat. :shrug: Has nothing to do with 'shouting you down', nor Winky's interpretations. If someone bloodies your nose, you take out their sack. Trouble is that too many people think taking out their sack is not a proper response.