Be aware of the NWO

If someone bloodies your nose, you take out their sack.


the phrase of the week. very nice work.

didn't the soviets do that at one point, i think in lebanon... sent a couple of guys back to their pals, dead, with their balls their mouths?

A threat is a threat. :shrug: Has nothing to do with 'shouting you down', nor Winky's interpretations. If someone bloodies your nose, you take out their sack. Trouble is that too many people think taking out their sack is not a proper response.

I agree with everything you said there Gato except this. The muslim terrorists are in no way a threat to the United States. They can undoubtedly kill some folks and disrupt things in an insignificant manner, but a threat to our sovereignty or territory? No way. America is more than likely already lost and the attack did not come from outside.
I agree with everything you said there Gato except this. The muslim terrorists are in no way a threat to the United States. They can undoubtedly kill some folks and disrupt things in an insignificant manner, but a threat to our sovereignty or territory? No way. America is more than likely already lost and the attack did not come from outside.

Has nothing to do with sovereignity or territory. Fact is, we let the wolf inside the door during 9/11, and now we're in the process of neutering every wolf we can find. :shrug:

Since you brought it up...the attack on Pearl Harbor, which ushered the US into WWII, was not on US territory, either. Less people died, as well. I'm not sure of the monetary damage, but I'll bet its not that far off, either...
Wasn't Hawaii part of the US then? :confuse3:

OTOH, wasn't Pearl Harbor left to destruction deliberately just so the US had a reason (public support) to join WWII?
Has nothing to do with sovereignity or territory. Fact is, we let the wolf inside the door during 9/11, and now we're in the process of neutering every wolf we can find. :shrug:

Since you brought it up...the attack on Pearl Harbor, which ushered the US into WWII, was not on US territory, either. Less people died, as well. I'm not sure of the monetary damage, but I'll bet its not that far off, either...

You're correct about Pearl Harbor (AFAIK anyway) but there were a lot of other considerations involved there.

As for neutering every wolf out there, no we're not. Don't make me laugh. We're in the process of impotently chasing the current bogeyman. Nothing more. Regardless of whether or not we continue the fiasco in Iraq, that will not change.
You're correct about Pearl Harbor (AFAIK anyway) but there were a lot of other considerations involved there.

Mayhap, but the US was not under threat from Germany at that time, but who did we attack first?

chcr said:
As for neutering every wolf out there, no we're not. Don't make me laugh. We're in the process of impotently chasing the current bogeyman. Nothing more. Regardless of whether or not we continue the fiasco in Iraq, that will not change.

Depends upon what you see as a bogeyman, innit? As for Iraq being a fiasco, thats what happens when you go in without the attitude that you're going to finish the job no matter the cost. Fiascos are not a fiasco from day one. Its an on-going collapse of will.
Mayhap, but the US was not under threat from Germany at that time, but who did we attack first?
The important question isn't who, but why. History shows that (like 9/11) all the information was available to anticipate the attack if it had all been in the right hands and interpreted correctly. The entry into the war was already a foregone conclusion. The difference between then and now was that Germany was a clear threat to America.

Depends upon what you see as a bogeyman, innit? As for Iraq being a fiasco, thats what happens when you go in without the attitude that you're going to finish the job no matter the cost. Fiascos are not a fiasco from day one. Its an on-going collapse of will.
I thought (and still think) that Iraq was in fact a fiasco from day one. I think subsequent events bear that out pretty darned convincingly.

The bogeyman is a fantasy. The terrorism is nothing like the imminent threat to western life that it's presented as. That's the point. I don't mean to trivialize the lives lost, but if you've never been deployed to Afghanistan and don't know anyone who was killed on 9/11, what has the attack meant to you? Longer waits and the opportunity to walk around in your socky feet at the airport. Oh, the horror.
The important question isn't who, but why. History shows that (like 9/11) all the information was available to anticipate the attack if it had all been in the right hands and interpreted correctly. The entry into the war was already a foregone conclusion. The difference between then and now was that Germany was a clear threat to America.

Hmmm...same can be said for 9/11.

chcr said:
I thought (and still think) that Iraq was in fact a fiasco from day one. I think subsequent events bear that out pretty darned convincingly.

Lets see...major action was over in...what...less than one week? The failure came in the follow-up actions. If the Iraqi army hadn't folded like tissue paper in a thunderstorm, this really would have been a fiasco from day one. That being said, the followup, and the lack of groundtroops for the policing of the area was the start of the fiasco...

chcr said:
The bogeyman is a fantasy. The terrorism is nothing like the imminent threat to western life that it's presented as. That's the point. I don't mean to trivialize the lives lost, but if you've never been deployed to Afghanistan and don't know anyone who was killed on 9/11, what has the attack meant to you? Longer waits and the opportunity to walk around in your socky feet at the airport. Oh, the horror.

More like lengthy deployments to unfriendly areas trying to squash cockroaches with a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer...but this bogeyman is no fantasy. He's not what the media wants you to believe, and he is still quite active...maybe not at home, where the sheeple see him behind every door, but he is out there, and he's not going to go away if we ignore him. Hell...we've ignored him for almost 40 years while the rest of the world has had to come to grips with him, but then I'd rather overestimate than underestimate an enemy...
Lets see...major action was over in...what...less than one week? The failure came in the follow-up actions. If the Iraqi army hadn't folded like tissue paper in a thunderstorm, this really would have been a fiasco from day one. That being said, the followup, and the lack of groundtroops for the policing of the area was the start of the fiasco...

the point i've been trying to make for a while now is that all of the post-"major action" crap that went wrong was fairly obvious.

so it was not a failure to follow-up so much as it was a failure to plan for what the follow up would almost certainly be - exactly what it turned out to be... hmmm... power vacuum? looting? factional fighting? yeah, no shit! of course that crap was gonna happen. so it is "failure from the get-go" unless you don't think making commitments into the hundreds of billions of dollars requires a planning horizon beyond a week or two.

and so goes the war that might as well have been planned in the boardroom of any major corporation today... short range ("shareholder value" for this quarter only) and on-the-cheap, making obvious sacrifices to quality and any longer term effects of cheapo_shortsightedness.
More like lengthy deployments to unfriendly areas trying to squash cockroaches with a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer...but this bogeyman is no fantasy. He's not what the media wants you to believe, and he is still quite active...maybe not at home, where the sheeple see him behind every door, but he is out there, and he's not going to go away if we ignore him. Hell...we've ignored him for almost 40 years while the rest of the world has had to come to grips with him, but then I'd rather overestimate than underestimate an enemy...

Exactly right! The media (as well as the government) seems to want us to believe this sectarian terrorism is the greatest threat western civilization has ever faced. Simply untrue. :shrug: I'm not saying to ignore it. I'm saying don't give them more power by making them seem more important than they are. Why confuse them by giving them just what they want. We did ignore them and that's a lot of what has created the current situation. Don't lets make it worse by showing fear of these nutjobs. Track 'em down and kill 'em.
Exactly right! The media (as well as the government) seems to want us to believe this sectarian terrorism is the greatest threat western civilization has ever faced. Simply untrue. :shrug: I'm not saying to ignore it. I'm saying don't give them more power by making them seem more important than they are. Why confuse them by giving them just what they want. We did ignore them and that's a lot of what has created the current situation. Don't lets make it worse by showing fear of these nutjobs. Track 'em down and kill 'em.

My point? It goes like this. You have a garden. One weed in your garden is an annoyance. You pull it up first chance you get, or you soon have weeds and no garden...Has nothing to do with fear on my part, at least.

BTW...this place used to be a paradise. I wonder why the weeds were allowed to take root.
My point? It goes like this. You have a garden. One weed in your garden is an annoyance. You pull it up first chance you get, or you soon have weeds and no garden...Has nothing to do with fear on my part, at least.

BTW...this place used to be a paradise. I wonder why the weeds were allowed to take root.

You know my daughter-in-law and two of my granddaughters still live there? Homeland Security keeps laying more obstacles in the way of my son bringing them to the states. They might be terrorists after all. :rolleyes: I thought we were supposed to take care of our service people.

I understand that fear doesn't enter into it for you (not for me either), but it does for a lot of people and it's what both the media and most of the governments of the west seem bent on encouraging. I don't disagree with your ideas or your methods.The problem is that it isn't what has been done and it isn't what's being done now. It's also clearly not what is going to be done. Would that it were. What is being done is making the situation worse, not better and all the current administration seems bent on doing is continuing a policy which has quite clearly failed miserably.
Just remember... the three branches of government are: money, tellevision, and bullshit. Honor, rationale, respect, common sense have no place here. Rome is crumbling.

You should know the 'trick' to immigration by now. Knocking at the front door is useless. You need to fly the batch into Mexico and simply walk across.