Be careful what image you present 2


molṑn labé
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Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) meet with Daniel Ortega,
leader of Nicaragua's communist Sandinistas in 1984.
UNITED NATIONS – Cuban dictator Fidel Castro had a close encounter with President Clinton at a U.N. luncheon. The White House insists "there was no handshake," but others say there was.

Castro approached Clinton at the end of a luncheon Wednesday for 160 heads of state. There was "a momentary exchange" between the two leaders at the luncheon, said P.J. Crowley, a spokesman for the U.S. National Security Council.

Aw, No Handshake? Was There a Hug?

White House press secretary Joe Lockhart later said, "There was no handshake."

However, the London Times reported today: "It's all the buzz," said one U.N. official. "As they went from lunch to the photo there was a choke point, and Castro and Clinton moved gradually together, and they shook hands and exchanged a few words."

When asked to comment on the episode at the regular press briefing Thursday, U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard referred all questions to "the U.S. and Cuban missions."
Shaking hands with people that you don't like or don't agree with is a 'benefit' of higher office. Regardelss of affiliations.