Beating and hitting your kids???

Just adding: Although spanking is bad over here, discipline is good. And being a lazy parent never does any good, it takes work -as mentioned above.

My own sister-in-law and brother are good examples of this, they have a kid a few years younger than mine. I was recently told, that when I took my son out of the room to talk to him when necessary, they would laugh a bit behind my back, meaning I was just being silly. Well. What is the their exellent method? First of all they don't pay much attention to the kid when she is being good. And when she misbehaves they sit on their behinds yelling at the kid, instead of getting up and handling the problem. They are also good at using threats that are never carried out... Did their method work? Umm.. Nope.
steweygrrrr said:
I disagree. My parents used to give me a small smack when I did something wrong. I soon learnt not to do that. Sometimes negative reinforcement is a required aspect of raising a child. Especially if you could see half the kids round where I live

so did mine but what studies have been saying is that it doesnt work as well as talking with them.timeout type deal.
Starya said:
Just adding: Although spanking is bad over here, discipline is good. And being a lazy parent never does any good, it takes work -as mentioned above.

My own sister-in-law and brother are good examples of this, they have a kid a few years younger than mine. I was recently told, that when I took my son out of the room to talk to him when necessary, they would laugh a bit behind my back, meaning I was just being silly. Well. What is the their exellent method? First of all they don't pay much attention to the kid when she is being good. And when she misbehaves they sit on their behinds yelling at the kid, instead of getting up and handling the problem. They are also good at using threats that are never carried out... Did their method work? Umm.. Nope.

theyre not rewarding good behaviour which reinforces it. theyre also being somewhat the sadistic parents by yelling at their kid like that. so the kid is learning negative behaviours.
freako104 said:
so did mine but what studies have been saying is that it doesnt work as well as talking with them.timeout type deal.
time out just made me more miffed than I was in the first place. to hell with the studies....they are done in controlled environments
not all studies are done that way and also nothing is perfect. but they show the general staistics
freako104 said:
theyre not rewarding good behaviour which reinforces it. theyre also being somewhat the sadistic parents by yelling at their kid like that. so the kid is learning negative behaviours.

Oh you better believe it! The poor kid is going to be troubled and it is all due to the parents. Bloody shame.