Beauty and the Beast

Nixy said:
No matter who you are there is atleast one person in this world who thinks that you are beautiful.

That doesn't make anyone more or less beautiful.

Also, people wouldn't see themselves as "ugly" they way they do now if the MEDIA didn't push a certain ideal.

What ideal? skelletic people? I think I'll pass on that one. I'm talking just something pleasant to look at, even babies (that haven't been affected by the media) stare more at people they judge beautiful.

Just because YOU don't find someone beautiful does not not mean that THEY should not find themselves beautiful and it does not mean that
someone else won't find them beautiful.

Wether I find them beautiful or not is not the problem, even you would agree that there are some guys/girls ugly as hell, and yet you see some of them claiming (or thinking) they are handsome/sexy/whatever even when they don't believe it.

Any person, beautiful or ugly is more ATTRACTIVE if they acknowledge their weakness and strengths, rather than fool themselves and attempt to take advantage of a quality they don't have.

I'd much rather date an ugly woman with a brain and good self-steem than a top-model whose only worry is to not look fat.
Luis G said:
Wether I find them beautiful or not is not the problem, even you would agree that there are some guys/girls ugly as hell, and yet you see some of them claiming (or thinking) they are handsome/sexy/whatever even when they don't believe it.

Any person, beautiful or ugly is more ATTRACTIVE if they acknowledge their weakness and strengths, rather than fool themselves and attempt to take advantage of a quality they don't have.

I'd much rather date an ugly woman with a brain and good self-steem than a top-model whose only worry is to not look fat.

Again, you are stating that if YOU do not think someone is beautiful then they are not. Just because *I* do not personally find someone attractive does NOT make then un-beautiful. Everyone is beautiful to someone, and everyone should be beautiful to themselves. Also, if you would date someone who you found ugly then that's fucked up. I could never date someone who *I* didn't find beautiful (if men can be beautiful)...and they don't have ot be beautiful in anyone else's eyes other than mine.

Again, everyone is beautiful and just because YOU do not think they are does not mean they should not think they are and it does not mean noone else will think they are.
Nixy said:
Again, you are stating that if YOU do not think someone is beautiful then they are not.

I'm talking just something pleasant to look at, even babies (that haven't been affected by the media) stare more at people they judge beautiful.

As for the rest of your post, I see your point and it seems that your definition of beauty is far from the aesthetic aspect. And i think you indiscriminately interchange attraction and beauty as the same thing.

I would not date a woman I don't find attractive (wether she's ugly or not).
Luis G said:
As for the rest of your post, I see your point and it seems that your definition of beauty is far from the aesthetic aspect. And i think you indiscriminately interchange attraction and beauty as the same thing.

I would not date a woman I don't find attractive (wether she's ugly or not).

I would not date a man I find ugly. But just because *I* think he's ugly doesn't mean HE should think so and it doesn't mean everyone else think so.

Also, babies judge beauty yes...and they have not been affected by the media...but baby 1 will not find the same things beautiful as baby 2...I will say it again...EVERYONE is beautiful in SOMEONES eyes and everyone should be beautiful in their OWN eyes. Not everyone will find the same things astetically pleasing...
If you want different results, don't try the same.

Nixy said:
and everyone should be beautiful in their OWN eyes.

Why?, they'll be better off thinking they have other qualities and that beauty is not one of them. This reminds of the case of a girl that entered a beauty contest, she was DAMN UGLY, but she thought she was beautiful, needless to say the only ones that applauded her were their family and friends (and even their their friends agreed that she was ugly).

I'll rest this as it is, I think this is going in circles and you do not seem to see my point either.
Luis G said:
If you want different results, don't try the same.

Why?, they'll be better off thinking they have other qualities and that beauty is not one of them. This reminds of the case of a girl that entered a beauty contest, she was DAMN UGLY, but she thought she was beautiful, needless to say the only ones that applauded her were their family and friends (and even their their friends agreed that she was ugly).

I'll rest this as it is, I think this is going in circles and you do not seem to see my point either.

You're saying if someone does not look like the MAJORITY of people think they should to be "beautiful" then they should not believe they are beautiful either. That they should accept being "ugly" and move on. I SEE what you are saying I just don't AGREE. Thinking you look like SOCIETY's version of beauty and thinking you are beautiful despite being different are two different things. I know think I am beautiful. Will I ever win a beauty pagent? No. Will I ever be a model? No...but I'm still beautiful. Just because society as a whole may not think so doesn't make me any less beautiful in my own eyes and in the eyes of Chris and my family and friends.
Nixy, if you really want to believe you're not just as beauty-concept-warped as the first random guy on the street, you need to:

a) stop cementing the suggestion that judging a person's physical appearance can tell you about their "inner beauty" - which is precisely what that website has made you do, and

b) think about the implications of maintaining the use of a descriptor of a PHYSICAL characteristic (i.e, beauty) to describe the individual character of a person. A person's character is either "good" or "bad"; assigning it a reference point on the "beauty" scale and calling them a "beautiful person" because of it is ascribing to precisely the mindset you claim to want to avoid.
Tall People Make More Money But Higher IQs Matter More
It should come as no surprise that people are biased in favor of tall people and that this translates into economic advantages.

Short people may be short-changed when it comes to salary, status and respect, according to a University of Florida study that found tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives.

"Height matters for career success," said Timothy Judge, a UF management professor whose research is scheduled to be published in the spring issue of the Journal of Applied Psychology. "These findings are troubling in that, with a few exceptions such as professional basketball, no one could argue that height is an essential ability required for job performance nor a bona fide occupational qualification."

Judge and Daniel Cable, a business professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill, analyzed the results of four large-scale research studies - three in the United States and one in Great Britain - which followed thousands of participants from childhood to adulthood, examining details of their work and personal lives.

Judge's study, which controlled for gender, weight and age, found that mere inches cost thousands of dollars. Each inch in height amounted to about $789 more a year in pay, the study found. So someone who is 7 inches taller - say 6 feet versus 5 feet 5 inches - would be expected to earn $5,525 more annually, he said.

"If you take this over the course of a 30-year career and compound it, we're talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings advantage that a tall person enjoys," Judge said.

The desire to assure that one's offspring will earn a higher income will serve as a powerful incentive for people to do genetic engineering on their eggs, sperm, and fetuses to ensure that their babies have the best possible chances in life. The prospects for boosting future average earnings potential are even greater from IQ boosts than from height boosts. A mere $5,525 annual salary increase is nothing compared to the differences in salary that would come if one could boost one's offspring's intelligence by, say, 20 IQ points.

Note that there is an important productivity difference between height enhancement and IQ enhancement: Height just makes some people more able to get jobs or close sales or otherwise beat other people when competing for the same existing resources but it probably doesn't increase overall productivity. By contrast, higher intelligence boosts one's ability to do mental work. Height differences, by contrast, are probably a net drain on productivitiy because to the extent that people judge each other by height they judge each other less by differences in real performance. The economy is made less efficient by judgements made on any basis other than real workplace productivity differences. By contrast, boosts in cognitive abilities will lead to dramatic increases in workforce productivity.

Will people genetically engineer their children in the future? Any poll taken today that attempts to measure public attitudes toward offspring genetic engineering probably overestimates eventual future general opposition to the practice. Once prospective parents are offered concrete specific options for providing their offspring with advantages in height, looks, or cognitive abilities the issue of genetic engineering will change from an abstract moral or philosophical question to one in which personal interests are considered and personal benefits and costs are weighed. Given the enormous potential benefits from offspring genetic engineering for health, physical abilities, and mental abilities my guess is that the desire to provide those benefits for one's own offspring will shift a lot of people's opinions toward support for genetic engineering of offspring.

Another factor that is going to play a big role in shifting opinion in favor of offspring genetic engineering is national interest and the competition between nations. The United States faces the very real problem that China has over 4 times as many people as the US and is growing rapidly. The Chinese are fairly bright folks on average and, as Intel chairman Andy Grove has recently argued, it is probable that the United States will lose leadership in software and other industries to China and other countries. What can the US do with a smaller population? Make it smarter. Of course, China will be able to do the same and the Chinese will have no moral qualms about doing so. Therefore the case for making the US population smarter will become even more compelling.

Economic globalization is bringing people all over the world into direct competition with each other. Competition is getting more fierce and people will become generally more willing to embrace new innovations in order to get advantages over their competitors. Fear and greed will both work to promote the widespread embrace of offspring brain genetic engineering.

Heaven help the short-fat-dumb people?
Jessica Alba had an eating disorder
Friday - July 29, 2005
Jessica Alba has admitted to Glamour magazine that she suffered from anorexia several years ago, starving herself and becoming obsessed with exercise during her preparation for Dark Angel, at one point even dropping to 100lbs.

"A lot of girls have eating disorders, and I did too. I got obsessed with it. When I went from a girl's body to a woman's body with natural fat in places, I freaked out. It makes you feel weird, like you're not ready for that body."
Jessica, who also suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder and panic attacks, is also quoted in The Sun as saying, "Everyone in my family is heavily overweight and I wanted to be healthier, so I started cooking for myself when I was 12."

So there it is, ladies. If you want to be crotch-kickingly sexy like Jessica Alba, you have to develop an eating disorder and starve yourself until you look the way a real woman should: like a sexy zombie skeleton. Sure it might be stupid and dangerous, but that's the price you have to pay if you want society to accept you. And when girls say you're too skinny and guys say you're disgusting, that just means they're jealous. Fat people are always jealous.
No not you yer already skinny !

Go on have a steak, ice cream and pie!

Or just a dozen Tim Hortons!
