Because I am Kitty, here me Meow

Kitty On Crack

New Member
Well, because I want to start a new Thread I did. And here is with the brand new spanking open line, straight from the cat's mouth.

If purple pigs flew and yellow elephants swam, would the green dolphins rule the online world or would those damn little flying squirrels rule?

Just a thought....Anywho....meow
i think not, i am sure that the goldfish do....and we are just pawns in their little game of chest....i mean....chess...yes yes...that's what i mean to go start a riot off some sort and find that damn bra i lost two nights ago...i am sure one of you stole it....well don't have to much fun while i am gone.....I am women, hear me roar....

Kitty, I need some help with a squirrel that won't leave my bird feeder alone. I found the damn thing hanging upside down from it this morning, having a feast.

Can you help me here? I'll set out a saucer of warm milk for ya if you do. :D
My computer could kick your computer's ass. I did a case modification. I have a mechanical arm with a ball and chain coming out the side. ;) :D
I hate that my computer is on a network and the other stupid people keep sending me their worms and viruses :eek: