Being A Student Sucks™


New Member
I've just been to Sainsbury's (supermarket) and felt so, so embarrassed.

I had absolutely nothing apart from the contents of my change jar - £2.25 - which I put into a Coinstar machine (one of those machines that change your small change into a voucher to spend; personally I think it's to avoid embarrassment when in a situation like I'm in now :().

All I managed to buy was 3 loaves of bread, a small block of cheese, and a 1kg bag of pasta - couple this with two bags of Bird's Eye Waffle Chips, 2 small eggs, 2 tins of soup; one tomato and one chicken, and a tin of marmalade, and you've got my food intake for the next 9 days. Then I get paid £700ish from work, then another £1300 from the Government 10 days after that.

Life Sucks at the moment. Excuse me while I mope... :mope:

And if that wasn't bad enough, I've got to work nights until at least Monday, cos we've got a visit from the CEO of Wal*Mart UK!
I know how you feel. When I was that hard up I knew the price of all the own brands, used to make endless lists and stuck rigidly to my budget. I paid the bills first, gave myself a certain amount for food shopping and then if there was anything left I might go out. I also spent as much time in the library and other people's houses as I could to keep the heating bills down. In fact I spent a lot of my time wrapped up in a quilt, reading.

Boring I know, but it kept my head above water.:)
Being A Student Sucks
But not as much as being out in the real world, working for idiots for less pay than you deserve...

Sorry, I was a poor student once too, and I'd go back to that in a heartbeat.:D
Ah yes. The days where I lived on Ramen noodles. I shudder to think of what my sodium level was at in those days.
Ramen noodles are a life-saver. I've lived a week or two on em at a time.
Yup, done that too. Ever eat a can of hominy and call it dinner?
ooohh, that's rough. It's funny, my oldests son tells me he likes Ramen Noodles and wants me to get him some for him to eat at lunch when he's home. I just laugh and tell him that he'll eat plenty of them eventually and don't want him to become sick of them before college.
Jon said:
All I managed to buy was 3 loaves of bread, a small block of cheese, and a 1kg bag of pasta - couple this with two bags of Bird's Eye Waffle Chips, 2 small eggs, 2 tins of soup; one tomato and one chicken, and a tin of marmalade, and you've got my food intake for the next 9 days. Then I get paid £700ish from work, then another £1300 from the Government 10 days after that.

Haven't you ever heard of an overdraft, boyeeee???
MuFu said:
Haven't you ever heard of an overdraft, boyeeee???

Quote from Lloyds TSB online...

Your account balance: -£780.76
Your overdraft limit: £750.00
Funds available: Nil

*sigh* Looks like I'll have to get on the phone to mummy :D

Damn... that limit is really fuckin' stingy. =\

Think I am going to open a few more student accounts and put all the OD in an ISA.
damn jon, that sucks arse a bit. look forward to easter and that sweet free food from home - don't forget to get your parents to take you shopping before you go back to manc. so you can eat posh stuff for a week.

and i should say this - best of luck to wednesday in the attempt to stay up mate, i'm keeping the fingers crossed for them the next 6 games :)
Baked potato with baked beans was a staple of my diet - Christ it still is!... sometimes... And homemade lentil and vegetable soup with pasta... very filling, especially at the end of the month... red lentils, tinned tomatoes, dried pasta, stock cubes and anything and everything vegetable left in the fridge went in it. :)