Being on hold


New Member
:mad4: You know what I hate about being on hold for an extended amount of time? Being told the same 3 messages over and over and the fact that those same messages all start off with "Did you know?" because of course I fucking know! I've heard them 80 times in the past half an hour! And do you think that you could play more than one crappy piece of musak because the one that you picked to shove down my throat is driving me nuts!
I feel your pain. I know exactly what you mean. It's as if they're trying to piss you off so you can be aggressive towards the person once they finally answer.
Did you know that a pair of levi's sells on ebay every 90 seconds? Must be true, I've heard it a gazillion times this afternoon.
I think they just want me to hang up.
Maybe they want you to buy a pair of Levi's on ebay? God knows I want some britches somebody else has done farted in...
I hear ya. I was on held today for 5-7 mins with Newegg. That's not bad
though compared to Charter Internet. I hold from 30mins to an hour just
about everytime with them. :mad:
Man I'll be glad when I can get DSL here.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Maybe they want you to buy a pair of Levi's on ebay? God knows I want some britches somebody else has done farted in...

I take it you know that Larry the Cable Guy is staring in his own movie this summer....
catocom said:
I hear ya. I was on held today for 5-7 mins with Newegg. That's not bad
though compared to Charter Internet. I hold from 30mins to an hour just
about everytime with them. :mad:
Man I'll be glad when I can get DSL here.

I got news for ya. Bellsouth's no freakin' picnic to call, either.
HomeLAN said:
I got news for ya. Bellsouth's no freakin' picnic to call, either.
Yeah, but I've heard that they are 'a little' more dependable, and that
new 6Mbps package sure looks good.
I'm wondering how it's gonna change with the at&t thing though.
Damn...seems that the .10 fixed price listing special is overloading the servers at ebay. I had 6 listings that I had paid for gallery photos that weren't showing up (the gallery photos, not the listings) and one of those sold this morning but was still showing up in my store. Poor kid tried to be helpful but there wasn't much she could do but report the problem to the stoopid tech people - the same people whom I spoke with this morning and were not helpful. So I wait....but at least she was able to tell me that the listing that sold would not be able to be sold again, in case anyone tried to buy it :nuts:
HomeLAN said:
I think it's gone out on me 3 or 4 times in, what, 3 years? Never for more than about 30 minutes.
yeah seee, ..Charter goes out here "at least" once a month...locks the modem,
locks the router, locks computers...
It's turned into a real piece of crap.
being on hold usually doesnt bother me too much. i just put the phone on "speaker" and go about doing something else till they pick up.
what drives me bonkers is the press 1 for this, press 2 for that nonesense.
For me it's the freaking "You are number ten billion three hundred million two hundred thousand and one in our queue. Your call is important to us, please stay on the line an operator will attend to your call shortly"