Being on hold

You know what bugs me? When they actually play a decent song, and you're merrily listening to it after putting up with some such mariah carey crap for 10 minutes or so, and then they decide to pick up your call. Or when you recognise the song, but can't place it, and they pick up before you can figure it out. Yeah, those two really bug me.
I hate being on hold so much I've been known to yell swearwords down it at the canned music and tell it what I'd like to do to it.

Come to think of it that's probably why I'm on hold, so I can get my aggression out before having to deal with the total waste of space on the other end...
BeardofPants said:
You could never pay me enough to do helpdesk, for that exact reason. Ugh.
I didn't berate the girl...but I did give her the lowdown on the runaround I had gotten from the tech dude earlier.
Spot said:
being on hold usually doesnt bother me too much. i just put the phone on "speaker" and go about doing something else till they pick up.
what drives me bonkers is the press 1 for this, press 2 for that nonesense.
It sure beats "say this" or "say that" phone systems.
BeardofPants said:
You know what bugs me? When they actually play a decent song, and you're merrily listening to it after putting up with some such mariah carey crap for 10 minutes or so, and then they decide to pick up your call. Or when you recognise the song, but can't place it, and they pick up before you can figure it out. Yeah, those two really bug me.

That's not as bad as the interruption in the song for the "All attendents are busy" speech. By the time they're done yakking about how important it is for you to stay on the line, the song is over...:mad:
Those are horrible.
"If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Ready now."
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Ready now!"
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Good bye"
I like the commercial where the guy's on hold on the cell phone, and he has to navigate the menu with his voice and give his password... then is on hold forever, all the while he's getting ready for work... finally, he gets through to a person, and the train he's on goes into a tunnel and he loses his cell phone reception.
BeardofPants said:
Those are horrible.
"If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Ready now."
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Ready now!"
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"I'm sorry I didn't get that... If you are ready now... say 'ready now'"
"Good bye"
Reminds of one I spoke to the other day, only I've discovered how to short circuit it... a typical convo goes like this...

"Welcome to .... Please say your account number now"
"Sod off"
"I'm sorry I didn't understand that, please say your account number now."
"Put me through to a real person you moronic computerised lump of shit."
"I'm sorry I didn't understand that, please say your account number now."
"I not talking to you, I want to speak to a REAL living person."
"I'm sorry I didn't understand that, please hold while I put you through to one of our customer advisors."
*Ring, ring.*
"All our advisors are busy right now, please hold until one becomes available."
*Canned music*
"Thank you for holding. All our advisors are busy right now, but your call is important to us so please continue to hold until an advisor becomes available..."
*More canned music*
*Ring, ring.*
"Good morning, customer services, how can I help you?..."

Solution: don't co-operate with the recorded voice.
Works every time... for me anyway... :D
Something even more annoying than being on hold....idiots who call me for my fax nr. and then proceed to attempt sending the flippen fax to my telephone number. Drives me nuts to have to answer a ringing line and then get that sodding highpitched zzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiinnnngggg in my ear.

It's one of the main reasons I suffer from telephone induced Taurettes :rolleyes:
I worked at a restaurant that listed it's phone number in 2 seperate phone books. One was a Mickey Mouse operation that transposed the Fax number and the phone number so we had to answer both lines because we never knew if it would be a customer...that got reeeealy old.
On a different note (yet remaining with the holding theme) - do you suppose one can drink too much water? And could that be the reason my kidneys are sore?
Aunty Em said:
Solution: don't co-operate with the recorded voice.
Works every time... for me anyway... :D

All you have to do is blow into it after each question...most of them ask 3 or 4 times and then give up and put you through.
AlphaTroll said:
On a different note (yet remaining with the holding theme) - do you suppose one can drink too much water? And could that be the reason my kidneys are sore?
Ruh roh. I just shook a virulent kidney infection. You don't wanna dick around with those - get your ass to a doctor asap.
BeardofPants said:
Ruh roh. I just shook a virulent kidney infection. You don't wanna dick around with those - get your ass to a doctor asap.

No, No. Waste a week sucking back gallons of juice first. Then go, when the infection's got a really good hold.