being political, polite and ultimately hypocrit

Luis G

Staff member
I've always been a defender of honesty and for a time it worked pretty well. As time passes and I grow up, I find that sometimes you can not speak your mind.

One of many cases, a friend of mine got married after a relationship of only 4 months, I went up to him and told him that was just too fast, he seemed convinced and I didn't go further, ultimately it is his choice and I can only give my opinion. What bothered me, was his friends, most of them didn't even say a word about it, even thou after talking with them they believed it was a stupidity.

Why oh why do people stop telling the truth and becoming political? and why oh why do people grow up and become offended even when they know they are hearing the truth?

People won't listen anyway when it comes to things like that. You just gotta let it go and be there or not if they come crying later.
It's called human nature. Be honest now...have you ever decided on a course of action and then done it knowing it was a mistake? Most people do what they believe to be right for them. Hindsight may convince them otherwise, but at the time they believe in it or they wouldn't be doing it.
Well yeah, but what about keeping the mouth shut? Sometimes you just can't tell people what you think even if they ask.

Unfortunately I've also fallen into that false politeness. Often I find myself saying things like you just gotta think about it and decide what's best for you, see that's not actually an opinion or a honest advice, is just another way to say 'I won't tell you what I think 'cause later you'll blame me if I'm wrong'.
Its usually something between procrastination and path-of-least-resistance. To delay the moment of problematic confrontation over a disagreement is human nature. Given a choice between being blunt up front and possibly having a fight with a friend or dealing with the broken pieces afterwards, most will take the confrontation well down the road... after all.. it might work out for the better and the confrontation need not ever have happend.

The path of least resistance is one where you just put up a brave face and smile and say what they want to hear in order to not make problems. If they can't see that they are being silly, why should it be your job to tell them? They are grown adults. Let them take the consequences of their self-inflicted wounds.
Luis G said:
Well yeah, but what about keeping the mouth shut? Sometimes you just can't tell people what you think even if they ask.

Someone asks me a question, they better be prepared for my answer. I might give a warning, but if they persist, I tell 'em. If they can't take it, screw 'em.
Luis G said:
and why oh why do people grow up and become offended even when they know they are hearing the truth?

People lie to themselves far more often than they lie to others. Exposing that lie causes pain. People avoid pain therefore people avoid the truth.

You're avoid telling them the truth because you don't want to cause them more pain.