Best and Worst?

Best - tax policy
Worst - God, there are so many. Huge new entitlements programs, no vision for border control, the POS that is the patriot act, utter failure to reign in spending, it goes on and on.
But those aren't domestic issues so much.

Believe me, if it weren't for his foreign policy I wouldn't have voted for a second term.
HomeLAN said:
Best - tax policy
Worst - God, there are so many. Huge new entitlements programs, no vision for border control, the POS that is the patriot act, utter failure to reign in spending, it goes on and on.
HomeLAN said:
But those aren't domestic issues so much.

Believe me, if it weren't for his foreign policy I wouldn't have voted for a second term.

hence outsiders

It's the way he is portraying himself and the US to outsiders, could have long term adverse effects, if he is seen as the way he is being seen, the people of other countries will be against him, hence their voted politicians will be against him, making future trade agreements hard to negotiate.
HomeLAN said:
Hate to be picky, especially around these parts, but the thread did ask for DOMESTIC decisions.

Yeah but us crazy foreigners love stick our noses in your business
worst - help create and backed the Patriot Act (should be carefull what i say about it they might be listening) only closely followed by the terrible No Child Left Behind Act and the "Faith-Based" initiaitves.

best - hmmm. may have to go with catocom and say Bush's drug plan. though i must say it is a sparkly nugget in a giant mountian of shit.
yeah them government handouts
are essential to American success!

So where is MY free shiite?
From another outsider's POV:

Best: erm....erm....drawing a complete blank here. From what I hear he did sign some docs that made medical care more easily accessible or something????

Worst: the mind boggles.

Seems to me the bad he has done really does outshine the good by a reasonable margin. Granted the oke has had a crappy deal to start off with - how many other presidents have had to deal with terrosism and natural disasters like Katrina on such a scale? I'd feel sorry for him, but I think he's a spineless twat :shrug:
Winky said:
yeah them government handouts
are essential to American success!

So where is MY free shiite?
Get somebody to take a ball-bat to you, and mangle your body, and you can get you some.
AlphaTroll said:
but I think he's a spineless twat :shrug:

Au contraire. He is actually leading...owing much to his being disliked. A President is a leader, Congress acts upon his initiatives & the Courts handle the backlash.

A spineless twat looks at polls & follows the wind.
AlphaTroll said:
From another outsider's POV:

Best: erm....erm....drawing a complete blank here. From what I hear he did sign some docs that made medical care more easily accessible or something????

Worst: the mind boggles.

Seems to me the bad he has done really does outshine the good by a reasonable margin. Granted the oke has had a crappy deal to start off with - how many other presidents have had to deal with terrosism and natural disasters like Katrina on such a scale? I'd feel sorry for him, but I think he's a spineless twat :shrug:

Reason number one that I kept my mouth shut. Bad (media) news gets airtime. Good seldom gets more than page 13.

Similarly, thousands of soldiers in Iraq do good on a daily basis. One small bunch of retards make a video tape and you still hear about it a year later.

The media is more than happy to tell you all you can stomach about GW's foul ups. But if he were seriously as incompetent as the media makes out, how the hell would his own party have supported him to a second term?