Best and Worst?

best - Social securty reform and Energy independance
worst - Patriot act (running without checks at the moment) and his failure in limiting the size and number of lawsuits through the tort reform.
Social security, and other payout programs won't be fixed, until the
immigration problem part of it is addressed.
Actually, it won't be fixed until congress actually locks it off and stops dipping into the till, replacing the cash with IOU's. That should happen, oh, about the year NEVER.

Privatize it.
best: at least acknowledged that we need a real energy policy.
worst: failed to do anything that would actually help us NOT have to be involved in the affairs of shithole regions just because we need their resources (because we're too bloody dumb to make changes until situations are utterly desperate).

in conclusion: fuck-all.
HomeLAN said:
Actually, it won't be fixed until congress actually locks it off and stops dipping into the till, replacing the cash with IOU's. That should happen, oh, about the year NEVER.

Privatize it.

Would that the government could find it in their hearts to keep their pilfering fingers out of my paycheck, and thereby allow me to finance my own retirement. I'd gladly forfeit every penny I have already paid if they'd let me take care of my own.

But that ideaology died about 150 years ago, along with the rest of the Constitution, when we went from a Republic to a Despotism.
I want to change mine.

Best - bringing a certain Respect back to the office.

worst - Outsourcing.
Outsourcing is hardly a GW program. It goes back to, and before, the 80s.
Oh, I'm not saying he created it, or is the only one doing it, or that some
gov programs weren't being outsourced even before he got in office.
I'm just saying about the programs that he DID approve to outsource since he got in there,
or the ones that his admin has started, or approved, that he may or may not even know about. :swing:
Gonz said:
Outsourcing is hardly a GW program. It goes back to, and before, the 80s.

that shit been happenin' for centuries... (though more recently accelerated o'course)