
LOL, I've done the two Bettas in one tank thing. It's really cool to watch them flare up at each other.

I had an aquarium for sick and tired of cleaning it ......and mine was only a twenty gallon tank. Best advice, keep it away from any windows/sunlight or you'll have mega algea growing in it. Also, most fish aren't compatible with that betta. They'll nip the fins right off that sucker. I had a betta in the same tank with some tiger barbs once and I had one of those plastic wheel house thingys in the tank. There was a small opening in the plastic and the betta found it and hid there and would only come out to eat. Neon Tetras are pretty cool.
That's so not nice to do that to the bettas, make them fight. It's very stressful on the fish and mean. :(

They're so cheap and pretty, it makes it very easy to buy them, not take care of them correctly, and then kill them without feeling bad about it. Have you ever seen how they are transported to the fish store? In tiny ziplock bags with a little water in them, all thrown on top of each other in a box. :(

Can you tell I have a lot of sympathy for this fish?? :) I learned about them when I kept seeing people who had vases with a plant in it and a betta swimming around the roots. So many people kill the bettas because they think the betta will eat the roots to survive and they don't need to change the water. It's just not true. I was a freak about mine, I only used filtered room-temperature water, changing 25% of the water every week.

Spot, what color is he and what did you name him? Mine used to recognize my voice and swim in front of me when I talked to them, that's pretty cool. And the bubble nests that they build are cute too, when they're getting ready to have babies.
The only good fish is a broiled fish...with it's cavity filled with thyme, butter, and lemon slices. Add a little salt and pepper to taste. ;) :D
I think my cat Casper would probably like them, lightly toasted most likely... he's EXTREMELY interested in my niece's gerbils and is rather peeved at not being able to get into the cage.
I had a fish.
I did love it so.
I looked after it like a son.
And it went wherever I did go.

Oooh, fishy, fishy, fishy, fish...

(Sorry. I thought a little Monty Python performance art would look good right there....) :D
greenfreak said:
Spot, what color is he and what did you name him? Mine used to recognize my voice and swim in front of me when I talked to them, that's pretty cool. And the bubble nests that they build are cute too, when they're getting ready to have babies.

blue with red streaks. diana named him jose. :laugh:

its been 24 hours and he's still alive. so far so good. :D i'm working on a 2nd one. if this one kicks, i'm moving onto goldfish. they seem a bit hardier.