Beyond stupid


Well-Known Member
UCONN Police Reporting a Suspicious Occurrence and Safety Alert:

On 2/7/09 at approximately 6:35 PM a suspicious incident occurred at Hilltop Apartments, in the parking lot between the Beard and French buildings. A male approached a female from the opposite direction and came up within several feet of her personal space. The female turned around and left the area. The male walked away in the opposite direction. The male did not say anything or make physical contact with the female. The intention of the male is unknown. Description as follows: a white male 6’ 0” with shoulder length brown hair wearing a red or brown cloth jacket and jeans. Male described as older than college age. The male had a round face and large build.

If you have any information or witnessed the incident please call UConn Police at 486-4800. As always, you are encouraged to travel in groups at night and in well lit areas. Please notify police of any suspicious activity to police immediately


You can't make this shit up.
I hope they arrest the creep! How dare he be out at night where womyn are, scaring them! That sicko pervert ought to be behind bars! That poor girl is now traumatized! She may be in fear til like next week!
I like this part best:

came up within several feet of her personal space

Apparently, her "personal space" extends several feet beyond her "personal space" so doesn't that make her "personal space" as large as she wants it to be? Earth encompassing?
How many assaults ahve been going on prior to this event?

It may not be as stupid as it seems on the surface.
Latley I've been having to be the one to compile and type up the "red light roundup" at my paper. One of my favorites... recently, a local grocery store reported a 24-pack of Sierra Mist soda worth $8 stolen. Then, an hour later, the cops found the people... a 40-year-old woman and a 19-year-old woman were arrested in connection with the stolen soda... they were charged with burglary and conspiracy. Also, a child was placed into the child welfare system.
Wait a minute. Perhaps the woman was attempting to arouse the male by entering his personal space, enticing him into an unwanted encounter. Upon his fleeing, she decided to cry wolf.
personal space in 'merica is about 18" in any direction, per anthropologists who study that kinda shit. "several feet" doesn't seem to make that standard.

wait, why am i taking this seriously enough to even make that comment?

okay, maybe beer will help...
personal space in 'merica is about 18" in any direction, per anthropologists who study that kinda shit. "several feet" doesn't seem to make that standard.

The story seems to think so.

A male approached a female from the opposite direction and came up within several feet of her personal space.

As I recall. the "personal space" standard is to extend the arms straight forward with the fingers pointing downward and then forming an arc perpendicular to (on axis of) the body while chanting "This is my space. This is my space."
You're badly interpreting the sentence. It's not saying that her personal space is several feet's saying that he came within several feet of her personal space (extend the arms straight forward with the fingers pointing downward and then forming an arc perpendicular to (on axis of) the body = about 18-24")

So... if he's 6 feet away, he's several (4) feet from her personal space.

Again I state... if there are several incidences of assault on women in a particular area, I personally would not approach a woman I did not know, near dusk, especially if nobody else was around. It's common sense. Hell, I wouldn't do it even if there weren't any recent incidences. I came withing inches of being pepper-sprayed by a woman once. I was trying to give her back her keys which had dropped from her purse or pocket. Thank god her aim was bad!
You know what's pathetic? I knew who was gonna post about this being ok and justifiable even as I was typing the original post.
No, No, please, Bish. It's fascinating how we always wind up as Devil's Advocate regardless of the subject. I just wonder if you'd have been quite so generous if she'd tagged you with that pepper spray. Or if this poor guy had been, for no greater crime that walking within the vicinity of a paranoid person with a victim mentality.

Personally, I equate her action with that of any cop pulling over a car for a spot check based on nothing more than the fact that the driver is a young black male. I'm sure you agree that that's inexcusable, right?
You're badly interpreting the sentence.

i just wasn't reading very carefully... thank you for pointing that out in awkwurdly phrased english bad. :D

in any case, this whole thing is a non-starter.

for all we know the dude, not intending to do anything in particular other than stroll through the parking lot, as people often do as a shortcut... blah blah. so she turns and goes the other way, he realizes, "oh, shit this is a slightly creepy situation" and goes the other way for fear she'll freak out, he'll end up getting blamed for something, and have to spend a few hours with the cops explaining that he was just taking a shortcut.
No, No, please, Bish. It's fascinating how we always wind up as Devil's Advocate regardless of the subject. I just wonder if you'd have been quite so generous if she'd tagged you with that pepper spray. Or if this poor guy had been, for no greater crime that walking within the vicinity of a paranoid person with a victim mentality.

Personally, I equate her action with that of any cop pulling over a car for a spot check based on nothing more than the fact that the driver is a young black male. I'm sure you agree that that's inexcusable, right?
I don't - a cop pulling someone over for DWB is a case of racism. A woman afraid of being alone in the presence of a strange man is merely being cautious...overly so, but*
*interrupted - again, it's situational.

As for our often opposing sides of issues, I'm not that surprised. We both like to discuss things to explore/test the logic of a particular point of view, even if that means taking the 'devil's advocate" stand. That we manage to keep it civil more often then not speaks more about our relationship and our upbringing than it does about our actual thoughts on the subject at hand.
He does have a certain point. If there was a string of break ins by a black male and I am a cop and I see a black male driving in the white neighborhood at night where the burglaries had been committed, I'm likely going to pull that guy over. It's not racism, it's simple logic.
A woman crossing the street in broad daylight in order to avoid crossing a young black man coming towards her would be a more fair comparisson to your DWB example.
He does have a certain point. If there was a string of break ins by a black male and I am a cop and I see a black male driving in the white neighborhood at night where the burglaries had been committed, I'm likely going to pull that guy over. It's not racism, it's simple logic.
again..situational. Racial profiling for specific cases (like the one you mentioned) works. Racial profiling used randomly doesn't.

A black man driving a BMW doesn't indicate a theft, unless there was a theft recently of a BMW reported in that area and the culprit was described simply as a black man.