Bibi Netanyahu tells the US.....

are we not more civilized now than we were then?

no? then's let's take that argument and project it forward. now we can invade anyone we want, for purposes of economic expansion. cool. CITGO will soon be US-owned.

Seems I recall some years back....maybe in the 80's...
that there was a resolution by the UN that said all the countries' borders
were set then, and would not be changed anymore.

I might see if I can dig that up...
are we not more civilized now than we were then?

no? then's let's take that argument and project it forward. now we can invade anyone we want, for purposes of economic expansion. cool. CITGO will soon be US-owned.
I don't think we will attack CITGO and have them push US, the Canadians and Mezico back to obtain the land.

yeah, but... unfortunately we can't simply order jordan to take in palestinians. and the israel-side of 'em really did live in the west bank and gaza, for generations. shovel the pikies over the border?

well, okay.

so long as the problem gets solved, soon...

You're right, we can't' force them to accept them. Just push them over the border and call it a UN problem. If they die, it will be on the UN Syria and Jordan. That's how it always done these days.

When Bibi says "never again" .... I believe him.

Gaza would make one hell of a harbor. :wink2:
are we not more civilized now than we were then?

We are more civilized than that. However, if your nation falls under attack from it's neigbors & you are victorious, would it not be prudent & wise to seize land as war spoils & a buffer zone to slow such invasions in the future?
yeah, but... unfortunately we can't simply order jordan to take in palestinians. and the israel-side of 'em really did live in the west bank and gaza, for generations.

You're getting there. Now, next step, under whose authority did they live & in which state(s)?
so i guess the jews gave up any claim to that area when they lived under the romans? nah, i'm just being silly.

if you think the modern nation state is the only legitimate authority that can make a "people" with a sense of place... you might have some issues making an argument in most of the world, where "peoples" with solid identities as such vastly precede the modern state. in fact the imposition of the modern nation state has been quite disastrous in many cases. just ask africa. e.g. perhaps the hoo-hoos and the tootsie-plops should not have been crammed together?

but, hey, i understand - it's hard to draw clear direction and unambiguous policy while wading through the complex slop of long and winding histories.
We are more civilized than that. However, if your nation falls under attack from it's neigbors & you are victorious, would it not be prudent & wise to seize land as war spoils & a buffer zone to slow such invasions in the future?

That would be illegal. Also the settlements continue to be illegal.

You might also want to read about what actually happened in that war:
just cuz yer mullato prez shot his mouth off
Israel isn't going to hand the west bank over to Hamas
you fuckin' idiot
What's mullato got to do with anything?

Also, I don't recall predicting what Israel would do.

Also when you say "shot his mouth off" I think you meant "proposed essentially the same thing as previous presidents".

You seems to be having some trouble today with life. You ok?