Big Day tomorrow

FluerVanderloo said:
Yeah, SAT tomorrow. I'm not nervous though...should I be? What was it like for you guys?
never took it myself...but it's a multiple choice test...just relax and use your best judgement....when in doubt go with your initial impulse. you can also take it over if need be. you'll do fine, hun! :hug:
It was long and, mostly, a waste of my time. I only scored 1575. :shrug: The ACT test is a much better gauge on how much you've learned, because it encompasses more than just math and English. :shrug: Just relax, and you'll do well.
It wasnt too bad. But because I went to a community college after HS thats what counted not my SAT
freako104 said:
used as a test in High School for colleges to look at and decide whether they will accept you

Does that go alongside yer highschool exams? (we have GCSE here, havn't a clue what the US version is).

We don't/didn't when I was at school, have anything like that.......can the SAT and exams be used as a crutch against each other? (I mean, if yer do crap in yer exams can a good SAT score save ya neck when trying to get into college?)
Oz said:
Does that go alongside yer highschool exams? (we have GCSE here, havn't a clue what the US version is).

We don't/didn't when I was at school, have anything like that.......can the SAT and exams be used as a crutch against each other? (I mean, if yer do crap in yer exams can a good SAT score save ya neck when trying to get into college?)

Depends also on your GPA, class rank, and extracirriculars. I won't be getting into Hopkins, but not a comm. college either (no offense there, freako)

Gato_Solo said:
I only scored 1575.

ONLY? I only got a 1200 on my PSAT! Sheesh!
Oz said:
Does that go alongside yer highschool exams? (we have GCSE here, havn't a clue what the US version is).

We don't/didn't when I was at school, have anything like that.......can the SAT and exams be used as a crutch against each other? (I mean, if yer do crap in yer exams can a good SAT score save ya neck when trying to get into college?)
you gots yer transcript grades (your report cards, ie...GPA or grade point average) and your scholastic aptitude test (or SAT)...the SAT is mainly used up north (shudders) and the ACT (academic comprehension(?) test)....the GPA and the SAT/ACT combined are what colleges look at for can conceivably balance out the other depending on the rigidness of the individual college requirements. you dig?
FluerVanderloo said:
Depends also on your GPA, class rank, and extracirriculars.!

I wouldn't sweat about it long as yer got other stuff to help along with the college entrance (as long as yer GPA and wotnot are up to scratch).

We had final examinations of GCSE, if you didn't fluff them you could spend a year doing A levels, yet another final exam for them.........then if you had good results, ya got into University....not a lot of room for error at all :(

(don't want to make it sound over dramatic tho'......the examinations were all a piece of piss..)
Oz said:
I wouldn't sweat about it long as yer got other stuff to help along with the college entrance (as long as yer GPA and wotnot are up to scratch).

We had final examinations of GCSE, if you didn't fluff them you could spend a year doing A levels, yet another final exam for them.........then if you had good results, ya got into University....not a lot of room for error at all :(

(don't want to make it sound over dramatic tho'......the examinations were all a piece of piss..)

Well my GPA as of now is a 3.61 and my class rank is 18. Mind you, the semester ended today, and I didn't do so well, I belive I got 1 A and 1 C, the rest B's. Which is why I think I'm somewhere in the middle.

I'd rather go to a British university though. I actually got something in the mail from Cambridge.
I never took the SAT, but did awesome on the ACT, got a 30 overall with a 35 in math. I finished the math and took a nap for 15 minutes, then we had our break. :D
I only got a 640 on the verbal and the 570 on the math. I can live with 570 on math, but 640 on the verbal was a shock. Of course, my nose ran, ran and ran some more that day, and I had no Kleenex.
FluerVanderloo said:
ONLY? I only got a 1200 on my PSAT! Sheesh!

And it doesn't really mean anything. :shrug: It only shows how well you do on the test. If you're going to base your whole future on that test, then tests are all you're going to get in your future. Think about it before you answer...;)
Inkara1 said:
I only got a 640 on the verbal and the 570 on the math. I can live with 570 on math, but 640 on the verbal was a shock. Of course, my nose ran, ran and ran some more that day, and I had no Kleenex.

What about sleeves? :sick: :D
Gato_Solo said:
And it doesn't really mean anything. :shrug: It only shows how well you do on the test. If you're going to base your whole future on that test, then tests are all you're going to get in your future. Think about it before you answer...;)

Good point...I'll remember that ;)

I got done about noon, and I know I skipped about 12 questions. Better than then to answer, them, get them wrong, and lose 3 points. But overall, I'd say I'll be surprised if I did better than my PSAT. But then again, my math score has improved since November, about 200 points better. So, we'll see in a week!
Just don't hurry, and it's not all that tough. It sounds like your GPA and class rank put you about where I was at that stage, and I scored 700 verbal 660 math out of the gate.

That was good enough, so I didn't bother to take it again.
FluerVanderloo said:
Well my GPA as of now is a 3.61 and my class rank is 18.
Depends on the area I suppose. Here rank doesn't mean anything because you could be 18 out of 18 or 18 out of 350 depending on the district. As for the exam, I never took the SAT, only the ACT. I don't remember what I got on it....I think it was a 22, or close to it. I have a friend who got a 36 on the ACT and 1590 on the SAT. She's too smart. :disgust: ;)

Like others have said, it looks like you're good to go already, and the scores will only prove it. :)