BIG iTunes gripe


Well-Known Member
This seriously pisses me off.

I've had no trouble finding the songs I want to download. However, before I burn songs to a CD, I like to use WinAmp to convert them to .wav and then edit the song to adjust for volume differences, remove long bits of silence at the end of the track, etc.

But WinAmp won't open songs in the iTunes format. Of course, iTunes will only let me burn CDs directly from the proprietary format, and won't convert them to .wav or something else I can use. There's a "convert to aac" option that it won't do on "protected" files. So my thanks for going legal is the reduction of functionality.

I downloaded both Sirius and Eye in the Sky by the Alan Parsons Project. The two songs go together on the album and are supposed to flow together seamlessly. When I play them in iTunes, there's a tiny pause between the two. I'd like to be able to get rid of that before I put them on a CD. If I'd stolen them on Kazaa Lite, I would have been able to. Instead, I'm being limited in what I can do with something I paid money for.

Is Napster 2.0 like this? I'm wondering if I should have gone with them instead. Everyone always beams praise for iTunes, but this is a limitation that I really, really don't like.
Inky, there is a plugin that will allow you to play itunes tracks in winamp; don't remember where I saw it (maybe hwc, maybe shacknews).

Personally, I just burn to cd and rerip; I lose some quality but not too much.
Huge said:
Personally, I just burn to cd and rerip; I lose some quality but not too much.

If you rip to WAV there's no quality degradation (as long as there are no jitters). Ink, you could use a CDRW to burn them.
Or, at a buck a tune, you could find the used CD for probably five bucks and have the whole thing cheaper than the individual downloads. It ain't like Allan Parsons is in high demand these days...I got the greatest hits CD, wanna buy it?
SouthernN'Proud said:
Or, at a buck a tune, you could find the used CD for probably five bucks and have the whole thing cheaper than the individual downloads. It ain't like Allan Parsons is in high demand these days...I got the greatest hits CD, wanna buy it?
that's the way i do things. there's a small chain up here called cheapo that i frequent, everything used is <$10
SouthernN'Proud said:
Or, at a buck a tune, you could find the used CD for probably five bucks and have the whole thing cheaper than the individual downloads. It ain't like Allan Parsons is in high demand these days...I got the greatest hits CD, wanna buy it?

How much?