Big mouth syndrome

flavio said:
If the government pays part of the tab


the government pays all of the's a government school

flavio said:
and there's no court in the land that would make children's education suffer simply because recruiters aren't allowed to pimp their wares in the school

oh no, you don't hate the military :rolleyes:
Gonz said:

the government pays all of the's a government school
Federal government was the issue just to get you up to speed on things.

oh no, you don't hate the military :rolleyes:
No, I don't hate the military. I don't like recruiters that go to high schools though.
Oh right, forgot that surplus of money all the public schools have. Damn kids with their books and their learning.
recruiters should be allowed in for career fairs, etc. just like everyone else I don't see a need for them to visit more often than that.
flavio said:
Oh right, forgot that surplus of money all the public schools have. Damn kids with their books and their learning.

Give it back to the people. I spend more wisley than Uncle Sam. Hell, flavio, I'll even assume you spend more wisely.
paul_valaru said:
recruiters should be allowed in for career fairs, etc. just like everyone else I don't see a need for them to visit more often than that.

And the reason you're wrong is because this is Amerika. Danged furriners! :lloyd:
Reading, Writing and Tired Hippie Politics

Teachers in Madison, Wis., had their third-graders composing and mailing letters urging a halt to the war in Iraq as part of a civics lesson — until school administrators stepped in and put a stop to it, the Wisconsin State Journal reported.

Julie Fitzpatrick, one of the 10 teachers at Allis Elementary School that dreamed up the project, said the assignment was intended to demonstrate "citizen action," a standard part of the district's social studies curriculum.

"We saw peace as a common good," Fitzpatrick said. "We were just advocating that people keep working toward peace."

But following complaints from some parents, school officials pointed out that even in Madison teachers are discouraged from "exploiting the institutional privileges of their professional positions to promote candidates or parties and activities."

So much for your statement about anti-military bias in schools...
YA know, if the teacher had some students writing support letters & some writing come hoome now letters, I could support the civics lesson bs
Better yet,
if the students were asked how they thought about the
liberation of the Iraqi poeple and then asked to write letters
to that effect Doh the result wouldn't fit with the NEA's
commie-lib agenda now would it?
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday that colleges that accept federal money must allow military recruiters on campus, despite university objections to the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays.

Case Closed?
Gonz said:
Give it back to the people. I spend more wisley than Uncle Sam. Hell, flavio, I'll even assume you spend more wisely.
If they did that with just a small portion of the military budget maybe everybody could afford private schools.

Gato said:
So much for your statement about anti-military bias in schools...
So if I find one example of a teacher who likes the military that would prove there's a pro-military bias in schools?
flavio said:
If they did that with just a small portion of the military budget maybe everybody could afford private schools.

The military is a guaranteed Constitutional budget item. There isn't one single mention of schools. People need to clothe, feed, house, educate & medicate themselves. It's not the job of the masses to take care of you & yours.
Read my post again and you'll see I never suggested they give the money to schools or clothe, feed, house, educate or medicate anyone either.

The ridiculous amount that's spent on the military was not guaranteed by the Constitution.

flavio said:
Read my post again and you'll see I never suggested they give the money to schools or clothe, feed, house, educate or medicate anyone either.

The ridiculous amount that's spent on the military was not guaranteed by the Constitution.


About the only thing talked about funding in the Constitution at first was the military. Everything else got added as time went by. As far as budgets go, the military should come first above all other spending.

Now, as long as you're on your anti-military rant, check out the numbers...

What I said wasn't anti-military and was hardly a rant.

I don't know what your point was but here's another way of looking at it....

flavio said:
What I said wasn't anti-military and was hardly a rant.

I don't know what your point was but here's another way of looking at it....


And here's one for you...

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mills

and another case you get bored...

"It was the soldier, that gave you freedom of the press not the reporter

It was the soldier, not the poet that gave you freedom of expression

It was the soldier that gave you freedom of speech, not the campus organizer

It is the soldier that salutes the flag It is the soldier that serves under the flag

And it is the soldier whose coffin is draped by the flag

So that others may have the right to bum the flag."

I will refrain from posting Rudyard Kipling again, which you have probably already read...