Bill Could Make It Illegal To Skip Ads On DVDs


Well-Known Member
Supporters Say Movie Makers Need Protection

POSTED: 12:09 pm EST November 19, 2004

A new bill before Congress could make fast-forwarding through ads and previews on a DVD you watch at home illegal.
The bill allows for technology that lets families edit out explicit scenes or material. But broadcast companies have lobbied hard to keep commercials and movie trailers off-limits.

"Their concern is, if it becomes easy for people to skip ads, then their whole business model goes down the drain," said Gigi Sohn, of Public Knowledge, a Washington, D.C. advocacy group

Media executives said their goal is not to throw people in jail for skipping ads, but they are trying to protect the motion picture business.
*smallest violin I could find and whats to stop someone from getting up and making coffee or popcorn instead of watching the trailers.Whats next make it illegal to show up 10min after a movie starts in a theater
You could never stop people from fast forwarding through commercials on VCRs and it never hurt their business. Next thing you know I am going to get a software download for my TiVO that will prevent me from fast fowarding through commercials if that thing passes. I have heard rumblings about the ability to skip ads on TiVOs. They say we're stealing programming. I watch a lot of commericals on live TV, and don't feel I owe the advertiser anything. I have even heard it said going to the bathroom during a commercial is tantamount to stealing. When does this shit end?

People PLEASE Write your congressmen and women! This stuff has just got to stop. All it really does in the end is encourages piracy and new and more inventive methods of piracy.
They already have ads on some dvds that cannot be bipassed. If you try to skip past it it starts the ad over. That really pisses me off.
And some people wonder why people download warez... Sheesh. No way in hell i'm watching a movie like that.
"Protect the motion picture business"? More like "twist peoples' minds in a sick, sick way".
I dont pay $20 to watch their ads.

We sould be able to watch the movie we paid for with-out having to sit thru 20 minutes of ads.

If they want to advertise, they should give us the movies.
HeXp£Øi± said:
They already have ads on some dvds that cannot be bipassed. If you try to skip past it it starts the ad over. That really pisses me off.

Yep! Happens a ton on kids' videos. Makes the parents suffer through the "I wanna's".
Umm...why not just make the ads unforwardable instead of making it illegal to forward ads by leaving the option of forwarding ads open? The same way FBI messages are not possible to forward.

I still find this to be a way such a retarded law would even be considered.

Ashton Kutcher is probably waiting to jump out and scream "you got punk'd"
HomeLAN said:
Yep! Happens a ton on kids' videos. Makes the parents suffer through the "I wanna's".

Just one of the reasons i keep my daughter away from disney. I find that she's completely content with what pbskids & nickjr have to offer if she never gets to see the ads. Pbs and nickjr videos play very few ads. Also even disney cartoons these days have much questionable content imo. Ever see the ads on the disney channel? 10 year old girls dressed in mini-skirts sporting makup and listening to Britney Spears?! Sorry, not for my five year old.
10 year old girls dressed in mini-skirts sporting makup and listening to Britney Spears?! Sorry, not for my five year old.

Sad isn't it? don't forget the padded bras, belly-button rings and anorexic pin-up girls Mary-kate and Ashley Olsen.... :(

at ten years old I was still playing dolls, watching full house and climbing trees :disgust2:
btw, as far as advertising goes - they'll always try and do something to ensure we can't get around them, and we'll always find a way to get around them getting around us... and theres plenty of research to show that plopping someone in front of a dvd and watching advertisements won't neccesarily result in buying the product. We're not brainwashed that easily, thats only what they'd like us to be.

Look at mp3's and the music industry...they've hardly won the battle there...

Hey, on the subject...has anyone seen that movie Josie and the Pussycats...

Its a great satire on this type of thing
Anyone remember when "Cable" meant "No ads"?

To me it's the same thing, you BUY the movie. You should not have a ton of ads to sit through. It even pissed me off on VHS when I could fast forward through them. Now, I'm assuming they're going to do more than just make it illegal, I'm sure they're going to make it where you just can't.
unfortunately, methinks the guys that are making the money out of the advertising are making more than out of the money people spend on the product...

So the more popular the product, the more lucrative the advertising revenue is and so the more they do to ensure people don't try and get around the ads...even though,we know that advertising doesn't 'work' like a magical injection into consumers minds; advertisers like to think that they do...and so they don't want to think that they are spending all their cash on advertising space on dvd's etc, if they think that they are not being watched and therefore not going to 'work'...they are going to go to every effort possible to make sure that legislation, in this case, is put in so people have no choice.

The sad thing is, that the government is always under a lot of pressure to by such coorporations to bend in their favour, (even though it is ridiculous to think they are going to simply 'loose business' by people skipping their ads...)because their economic power has far more importance than the rights of the everyday, dvd consuming public.
I shall add it to the long list of illegal activities that I perform on a daily function that harm noone at all but merely defy the heavy-handed big brother.
unclehobart said:
I shall add it to the long list of illegal activities that I perform on a daily function that harm noone at all but merely defy the heavy-handed big brother.
yeah...i can use that time to finish my joint or engage in illegal sexual activity...wanna watch a movie?