Bill Could Make It Illegal To Skip Ads On DVDs

huuh?a law that governs sex? oral sex illegal? And, er, anal....?

what, do they have an a special division of "sex police" or something ? :rofl:

...thats retarded.

:hmm:If oral sex is illegal, does it make it somehow any better than it done legally???
tank girl said:
huuh?a law that governs sex? oral sex illegal? And, er, anal....?

what, do they have an a special division of "sex police" or something ? :rofl:

...thats retarded.

:hmm:If oral sex is illegal, does it make it somehow any better than it done legally???
i'm not sure why it's still on the books. may just be another charge to throw at a rapist or someone engaging in activities with minors.
A mere kiss used to be sodomy in georgia. Call it one of those 'appease the masses who got us into office without actually making a law that is enforcable'. It was tossed out about 5 years ago.
I keep getting this mental image of you breaking the anal sex law, and I don't like it too much. :(
While I certainly concur that this proposed legislation is, to borrow some local flavor, about as damn stupid as tits on a boarhog, I do have one small concern to do with it.

So many times a piece of superficial, popular, and/or harmless legislation is passed. The passage may be greatly ballyhooed in the press, or completely ignored. The catch is, there are most likely dozens of "amendments" and attachments to that piece of legislative fluff that go unreported or unnoticed. These also become law.

Let's play What If for a minute. What if a law were to be passed making it illegal to possess certain items deemed to be child pronography. Most everyone is in agreement that the specified items are indeed child porn, disgusting, and should be illegal. All is well and good, the bill's authors are patting themselves on the back, the network news hounds duly report on the passage of the bill, and everyone lives happily ever after. BUT, amendment 12.8.10.b to this bill also states that there will henceforth be a 35% tax on all chocolate chip cookie purchases made in supermarkets. Think anyone will notice it until they buy said cookies from a supermarket? That's how so many things get passed these days...amendments on otherwise popular bits of legislative fluff.

Unfortunately, short of reading every proposed bill in its entirity before it is voted on, there really is no practical way we the citizens can know about these underhanded methods of governing. Lawmakers use these tactics on almost every bill they vote on. It's how things like tax breaks to members of Congress get passed.

Just pointing it out. Didn't mean to hijack the thread, merely something to ruminate over.
Three words...Line Item Veto...Remember that? The Supreme court wiped that one out, but not before several bills were ravaged by then President Clinton using just such power...;)
The Supreme court wiped that one out

I was wondering what happened to that...

So, in 150 years, are "the people" gonna look back & wonder why court proceedings against McDonalds coffee or gun manufacturers were allowed to go on? There are plenty on incredibly stupid & intrusive laws need to inquire about sodomy laws of yesteryear.