Birthers Hail Judge’s Decision That Could “Depose” Obama

He has done enough damage.

Can we just please ''Depose'' him?

yes. but it would really be nice if he was gone because of something legitimate, not just petty shit-baiting.
that's because the fox audience is stupider than the mainstream, and wants to believe that obama is not american because they hate him for what he is.

to the rest of us, it's pretty transparent.
typical that you would make the leap that what Fox shows refects on anyone that tunes in to it.
that's because the fox audience is stupider than the mainstream, ...

So, then, if the MSM takes up the issue, by your assessment, that would mean that their audience is stupid which would, by extension, include you.
no it simply means that the story would be interesting to those slightly less dumb. and a good percentage of those more dumb as well. but as far as chain yanking... the MSM orients most toward a technical and economic reliance of sorts, whereas FOXNEWS!!! adds to that a very obvious and cheerleading symbolic layer. you ever watch a CNN anchor moralize? yeah, totally limp-dicked and silly. but when FOXNEWS!!! moralizes, it hits some lower intestinal tracts. planting the seed of fascism. of a different sort than the fascism of the MSM. both are equally amusing, cheezwhizzzz....
Yeah, they never present their story with a biased slant and a straight face.

a biased slant? does that mean there is a two-dimensional distortion? or is the redundancy just for effect?

are you trying to say that CNN reporters attempt to conceal their own screamingly obvious positions...? you didn't realize that anderson cooper is the new plain folks?
no it simply means that the story would be interesting to those slightly less dumb. and a good percentage of those more dumb as well. but as far as chain yanking... the MSM orients most toward a technical and economic reliance of sorts, whereas FOXNEWS!!! adds to that a very obvious and cheerleading symbolic layer. you ever watch a CNN anchor moralize? yeah, totally limp-dicked and silly. but when FOXNEWS!!! moralizes, it hits some lower intestinal tracts. planting the seed of fascism. of a different sort than the fascism of the MSM. both are equally amusing, cheezwhizzzz....

You certainly know how to start a sentence with a conjunction!

The MSM is geared to the very type of kids that are starring in another current thread. They play to the lowest common denominator. The MSM news has become an entertainment venue. "You heard it here first" news "making" rather than news reporting.

Fox is not among those other than their constant "breaking news" bullshit. They at least try to give both sides of the news by having guests from both sides of the equation. Juan Williams, Mara Liason, Greta Van Susteren, et al are not exactly flaming conservatives. They are not on those shows for ridicule.

When Liberal commentators have guests -- Matthews, Olbermann, Maher, Colmes, et al -- they ridicule their conservative guests and ignore anything they have to say on the subject at hand.
You certainly know how to start a sentence with a conjunction!

yes, i do. thanks for noticing. perhaps we could call it "conversational" in tone and structure. if you'd like samples of my formal writing, let me know. you like stuff about sociotechnical systems?

The MSM is geared to the very type of kids that are starring in another current thread. They play to the lowest common denominator. The MSM news has become an entertainment venue. "You heard it here first" news "making" rather than news reporting.

Fox is not among those other than their constant "breaking news" bullshit. They at least try to give both sides of the news by having guests from both sides of the equation. Juan Williams, Mara Liason, Greta Van Susteren, et al are not exactly flaming conservatives. They are not on those shows for ridicule.

When Liberal commentators have guests -- Matthews, Olbermann, Maher, Colmes, et al -- they ridicule their conservative guests and ignore anything they have to say on the subject at hand.

i'll see your olbermann and raise you one hannity.

right. you have no valid point here. both msnbc and foxnews are slanted as shit, regardless of fox's bullshit "fair and balanced" mantra. CNN, again, is just fucking limp.

but sure, i believe the guy who think he's tuned into the objective one... :laugh3:
hmmm funny same conclusions i came to in re: precedents... and the generally unconvincing tone of orly's peanut gallery.