Bit of a puzzler...

Leslie said:
can't get past the glowing plant :tardbang:

Very much like myst...I loved myst, but it kept crashing on my old 386...I bookmarked the game and I'm a gonna finish dangit!

Cool beans Oz :
freako104 said:
cool graphics but what are we supposed to look for? it kind of reminds me of Myst.

not that I would ever condone cheating .......... but there is a Hints page on the site :D

Besides........I'm not too sure that all the bashing-head-against-wall is good for leslie ;)
Camelyn said:
Very much like myst...I loved myst, but it kept crashing on my old 386...I bookmarked the game and I'm a gonna finish dangit!

Cool beans Oz :

I thought you should know. there is a PS2 version of Myst
freako104 said:
I thought you should know. there is a PS2 version of Myst

This, I did not know. That just totally rocks! Um, methinks I will ask the X to pick this up for me. I have a week off next week, and the kids are gone alllllll weekend :dance:

Dankees freako, you da best :hump:
no prob. I saw it at a Wal Mart so I know its easily available everywhere. and it shouldnt be too much either. I thnk it was about 20 bucks