Blind Karma

If you look at the little pips on the list in your User CP it will tell you. Green is good, grey is bad. I think. I'm still not sure yet.
I would just like to report that.... thanks to the dumbass and his click happy shitty karma, I now have good karma out the ying yang. :wave: thank you good karma people. :)

....and to Mr. or Ms. shitty karma: I'm sure your're pretty busy clicking away...but when you get a chance...BITE ME :D:la:
No, the only way would be for someone that has 5 Karma giving points to take them away. That's ok, now I'm going for 6969. :D
I got a red one too. I am assuming it was bad cuz they put little rolley eyes in the comment space. I guess they don't agree with the dress code at the goth club. Or maybe they are jealous cuz they have a big ass? Nah, really I dunno.
When someone tags you with bad karma and it points back to something innocuous or unconfrontational, its just people grinding old grudges and attacking from the safety of anonymity giving them the freedom to knife you in the back constantly from the shadows and not having to justify themsleves to your face. Some people never got past the third grade childish spite phase it would seem.

I for one would like to see the whole karma thing excised as it can only serve to drive the wedges of hatred deeper and faster and reinforce the schizms that cause people to want to bail out.