Blind Karma

Yeah we get cookies from them too around the holidays and stuff. I could play these salespeople against each other if I wanted because Dell is trying to compete with CDW's software and peripherals. But unless I'm in the mood, I just don't have the time to haggle with them.
More reds on the same post. Someone sure doesn't like to be told what a pansy they are.

LOL Anyway, someone or some people jsut don;t have a good sense of humor or something.
Actually you can't give karma on the same post more than once, so a lot of people don't like that person to be told what a pansy they are. :shrug:
Squiggs, make sure you don't get to be an "associate" of mine or else watch your karma plummet! Funny thing is, the more we report the bad karma coming in, the more we get good karma to balance it out. My bad karmas have already dropped off the bottom of the list. :laugh:

Lissa, what post? Was there any opinion stated in it at all that someone could disagree with or is it just some generic thing that they're picking. I know though that you can't give karma on the same post twice, it won't let you. So if there's more than one on the same post, it's different people. I don't even remember you saying anything lately that anyone could so strongly disagree with.
PrincessLissa said:
I got two more red ones. If you really don;t like what i have to say, than grow some freakin balls and tell me! Ugh...I'll prolly get another red one for this...

It was this one. I think I got two on it and another one on the first thing I said about how we should get to know who says what.
Thanks to whoever that pointed me to enable it in my profile, when i left it was enable, how odd. :confuse3:
No, the limit is 20 in any given 24 hour period. Meaning, if you make 15 karmas starting at 6:00PM and ending at 9:00PM one day and start karmalizing again at 9:00AM the next morning, you will only be able to do 5 because your other 15 do not start falling off the 24 hour list until 6:00PM